Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas addressing the Palestinian people 
in a televised speech on Wednesday. (Reuters)

Last update - 00:12 21/06/2007

Abbas: No dialogue with 'murderous terrorists' in Hamas

By Haaretz Service and News Agencies

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday harshly criticized 
the Islamic Hamas movement for seizing control in the Gaza Strip last week, and 
branded its members as "murderous terrorists" who carried out a "coup." 

Speaking Wednesday in a televised address to the Palestinian people, Abbas 
accused Hamas of attacking national symbols during its takeover of Gaza.

Over the weekend, Abbas set up the new West Bank-based government after 
dissolving the coalition between Hamas and his own Fatah movement following the 
Hamas' armed takeover of Gaza. 

Abbas said Hamas had replaced the national project with its project of 
darkness, attacking the symbols of government in Gaza, including the house of 
the late leader Yasser Arafat.

"There is no dialogue with those murderous terrorists," Abbas said. 

Abbas accused Hamas of trying to set up its own state in Gaza alone, a step he 
said would scuttle Palestinian hopes for independence. He said he had "tried to 
prevent the conflict through continuous dialogue. Instead, we are seeing 
assassination of leaders of Palestinian security and Fatah in Gaza."

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri hotly rejected Abbas' statements. "What he said 
was disgusting and not appropriate for the Palestinian president," the Hamas 
official said. "The president [Abbas] has harmed himself with his words."

Last week, in a lighting military-style operation, Hamas militias routed the 
numerically superior Fatah security forces and took over their bases, leaving 
Abbas' Fatah in control of the West Bank.

Abbas said the conflict continues. "It's a fight between the national project 
and this small kingdom they want to establish in Gaza, the kingdom of Gaza, 
between those who are using assassination and killing to achieve their goals, 
and those who are using the rules of law."

Abbas accused Hamas of trying to assassinate him when he planned a visit to 
Gaza a month ago, digging a tunnel under a road where his car was to pass and 
trying to fill it with 250 kilograms of explosives. He said he received 
videotapes of the operation, showing militants with Hamas signs on their shirts 
carrying out the work. He dismissed Hamas claims that the explosives tunnel was 
aimed at Israelis.

"I have sent these tapes to all the Arab countries, to show how much this dark 
movement is acting," he said. He also sent the tape to Hamas' Syrian-based 
political leader Khaled Meshal, to illustrate Hamas intentions. 

He repeated his earlier declaration that the Hamas militia in Gaza is now 
illegal and warned Israel not to take advantage of the Gaza situation to 
tighten its control of the West Bank.

Earlier Wednesday, Abbas convened the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) 
ruling body, in a move aimed at boosting support for his newly formed emergency 

"The aim of today's meeting is to topple the coup plotters in Gaza," council 
member Ahmed Abdel Rahman of Fatah told reporters before the Wednesday session 
began, referring to Hamas.

The 129-strong Palestine Central Council, dominated by Fatah, was also expected 
to express support for the new government during its two-day session in the 
West Bank city of Ramallah, Palestinian officials said. Some Hamas officials 
are technically entitled to sit on the PCC but it seemed unlikely many would 

"One of the main issues of discussion will be to reiterate the legitimacy of 
the decisions taken by President Abbas with regard to the bloody coup by 
Hamas," said Ahmad Majdalani, a member of the council.

Another PCC member said the body would also debate the possibility of moving up 
the election for PA chairman, in addition to a parliamentary poll now scheduled 
for 2010.

It was the Central Council that set up the Palestinian Authority for the Gaza 
Strip and West Bank, in a 1993 decision taken at Tunis, where PLO leaders 
including the late Yasser Arafat were once based. Many of its members still 
live in exile.

Riyad al-Malki, information minister in the new cabinet, said Abbas would 
announce policy steps aimed at further distancing his government from the 
former government Hamas still says that it heads.

One of these steps would be the issuing of new Palestinian passports from the 
West Bank city of Ramallah from July, invalidating the current travel 
documents, Malki said. He said the step was taken after the passport office in 
Gaza was vandalized and "destroyed" Wednesday.

All citizens will be required to change their travel documents to papers issued 
in the West Bank - in effect invalidating documents previously issued in Gaza, 
al-Malki said. 

He also said that the new government has annulled all decisions made by the 
previous Hamas government, and that security personnel would be deployed in 
force in the West Bank to restore law and order.

Hamas calls for new government
Meanwhile, a senior exiled Hamas leader called Wednesday for the formation of a 
new Palestinian goverment made up of independent technocrats without Fatah or 
Hamas members as a way out of the crisis sparked by the Hamas takeover.

The new government's members are all independents, but Hamas official Moussa 
Abu Marzouk appeared to be calling for a new one, formed in consultation with 
the militant group.

"All possibilities are open now. We can reach a consensus on a government - a 
technocrat government - that includes neither Fatah nor Hamas," said Abu 
Marzouk, the Damascus-based deputy head of Hamas' political bureau.

"The government could not work without a Palestinian consensus, especially 
between Fatah and Hamas," he said.

Abbas has rejected talks with Hamas since the Gaza takeover, while Hamas has 
called his government illegal. The international community has embraced Abbas, 
while shunning Hamas.

Abu Marzouk criticized what he said were moves by Abbas to move all ministries 
to the West Bank. 

"This shows that there is a plot being carried out by some Palestinians in an 
irresponsible and unprecedented way to separate Gaza from the West Bank," he 

He said Hamas welcomes any Arab initiative to try and resolve the current 
Palestinian crisis.

Army of Islam: We will release details of assassinations by Hamas. The Army of 
Islam - the organization holding kidnapped BBC reporter Alan Johnston - 
announced Wednesday that it intends to release information about the group's 
past collaborations with Hamas, including details of assassinations of senior 
Palestinian officials that Hamas was involved in.

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