November 23, 2009 

Another Attack Against Foreigners in Aceh After Gunmen Shoot at American 
Academics' House
Gunmen fired at the home of two American academics in the Indonesian province 
of Aceh on Monday, the latest in a string of attacks directed against 
foreigners in the region, police said.

No one was injured in the attack on the home of Michelle Ahmad and Sarah Willis 
in the provincial capital Banda Aceh at around 5:45 am, police and witnesses 

"I heard about six gunshots," Ahmad said.

"We woke up and sprawled on the floor. A few minutes later, I called another 
friend... and we called the police."

Police intelligence chief Bambang Soetjahjo said the motive for the attack was 

He said it was not clear if it was connected to a recent spate of shootings 
targeting Westerners in the province, a deeply Islamic and ethnically distinct 
part of Indonesia which is recovering from a bitter separatist war.

"We don't know the motive and who did it and if it's connected to previous 
incidents," Soetjahjo said.

Police said two shots hit the house's walls and one hit the roof.

The attack comes less than a week after motorcycle riding gunmen fired on the 
home of the European Union's local representative, a British national, in the 
deeply Islamic province.

The local representative of the German Branch of the Red Cross was also wounded 
in a shooting attack earlier this month, forcing the medical relief agency to 
briefly suspend its operations in Aceh.

No one has claimed responsibility for the shootings.

Agence France Presse

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