Last update - 18:50 03/03/2009     
      Arabs must unite to confront a nuclear Iran, Saudi FM says  
      By The Associated Press  
      Tags: Arab League,  

      Saudi Arabia's top diplomat urged Arabs on Tuesday to stand up to Persian 
Iran's ambitions in the region, including its nuclear program. 
      Prince Saud al-Faisal told a meeting of Arab foreign ministers in Cairo 
that non-Arab countries should not interfere in Iraq, Lebanon and the 
Palestinian territories. 

      Saud stressed that resolution of disputes among Arabs depended on a 
unified and a joint vision in dealing with the Iranian challenge in regard to 
the Arabian Gulf security and the nuclear issue. 

      The predominantly Sunni Arab Middle East has been wary of the growing 
influence of Shiite Iran and Saud's comments were a clear call for Arab unity. 

      His remarks came a day after he and his Arab counterparts expressed their 
concerns about Iran to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The ministers 
and Clinton met on the sidelines of an international conference in Egypt on 
Monday that raised $5.2 billion in pledges to rebuild the devastated Gaza 

      Last week, Clinton announced the appointment of veteran diplomat Dennis 
Ross to be her special adviser on matters related to the Gulf, including 
overtures to the Iranians. 

      Arabs fear that the Obama administration's expected efforts to engage 
Tehran might lead to a deal that would bring U.S. and Iran closer at the 
expense of Arab interests. 

      But Clinton assured the Arab ministers that Washington is carefully 
considering its moves and will consult fully with Gulf allies on Iran issues. 

      At the meeting in Cairo on Tuesday, Bahrain asked the ministers to put 
Iran on the agenda of the Arab League meeting, amid growing concerns in the 
tiny Gulf kingdom that Iran still holds longtime claims to the island. 

      Those concerns were sparked by recent comments by a prominent Iranian 
cleric who was quoted by Iranian media as saying Bahrain was the 14th province 
of Iran until 1970. Bahrain is ruled by a Sunni elite but its Shiite majority 
has close ties to Iran. 

      Also Tuesday in Cairo, Saud and his Egyptian counterpart met with Syrian 
Foreign Minister Walid Moallem in efforts to bridge the rift between the two 
U.S.-allied Arab powerhouses and the Iran-backed Syria.  


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