Can Asia free itself from IMF? 
      By Barry Eichengreen

      Published: June 24, 2009, 22:47

      There has never been a question about the ultimate purpose of the Chiang 
Mai Initiative (CMI), the system of Asian financial supports created in 2000 in 
that Thai city. 

      That purpose, of course, is to create an Asian Monetary Fund, i.e., a 
regional alternative to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), whose tender 
ministrations during the 1997-98 financial crisis have not been forgotten or 

      So far, however, the CMI has been all horse and no saddle. Its credits 
and swaps have never been activated. The distress following the failure of 
Lehman Brothers would have been an obvious occasion. 

      Yet, revealingly, the Bank of Korea, the central bank hit hardest, 
negotiated a $30 billion foreign-currency swap with the United States Federal 
Reserve, not with its Asean+3 partners. 

      Now, we are told, Asean+3 has achieved another great breakthrough, the 
so-called Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation (CMIM), aimed at turning 
its bilateral swaps and credits into a regional reserve pool. 

      The goal was set in 2005, and last month Asean+3 finance ministers 
negotiated the details. They specified contributions to their $120 billion 
pool, set down borrowing entitlements, and allocated voting shares.

      The agreement on contributions is significant, it is said, because China 
and Japan will both contribute 32 per cent. In previous regional agreements, 
like capital subscriptions to the Asian Development Bank, China had always been 
treated as a second-rate power and asked to contribute less. 

      Indeed, China had shunned Japan's 1997 proposal to create an Asian 
Monetary Fund precisely because it worried that it would play second fiddle. 
That China is now acknowledged as a co-equal means that it will not stand in 
the way of further cooperation.

      Also significant, we are told, is the agreement to make decisions by 
simple majority, with countries' votes to be roughly in proportion to their 

      This means that no single country can block action, in contrast to the 
IMF executive board, which makes decisions by consensus, giving large countries 
like the United States de facto veto power.

      But do these new rules really matter? Disbursing more than 20 per cent of 
the credits available to a country still requires that it first reach an 
agreement with the IMF, and 20 per cent of a country's entitlement is actually 
less than it contributes to the pool. 

      This would appear to nullify the very purpose of the arrangement, which 
is to free Asia from the IMF. While there is a plan to raise and then eliminate 
the 20 per cent threshold, this is left to some future, unspecified date.

      The reason for the contradiction is straightforward. Countries putting 
money on the barrelhead want assurances that their resources will not be used 
frivolously, and they want to know that they will be repaid.

      But regional neighbours find it hard to criticise one another's policies 
and demand course corrections. Political sensitivities run especially high in 

      Even in Europe, with its long history of cooperation, surveillance and 
conditionality are outsourced to the IMF. Revealingly, the Fund, not the 
European Union, has taken the lead in negotiating emergency assistance packages 
for Hungary and Latvia.

      Delinking the CMIM from the IMF will require Asian countries to undertake 
hard-hitting reviews of one another's policies and to demand difficult policy 
adjustments. Here Asean+3 talks the talk. Its May agreement included a 
commitment to establish a regional surveillance unit.

      But there is no agreement on where to situate it or how to staff it. It 
could be placed within Asean's Secretariat in Jakarta. It could be placed 
inside the Asian Development Bank in Manila. 

      It could be given to the "neutral" Northeast Asian country, Korea. The 
outcome matters - which is why governments are fighting over it. Recall how the 
fateful decision to situate the IMF in Washington, DC enhanced the influence of 
the US Treasury just down the street.

      These dilemmas can be finessed by giving both surveillance 
responsibilities and the actual power to disburse funds to an independent board 
insulated from national politics. 

      Its members, with statutory independence and long terms in office, could 
function like the monetary policy committee of a central bank. 

      They could issue a Financial Stability Report that bluntly flags weak 
policies and financial vulnerabilities. And they could demand policy 
adjustments as a condition for disbursing funds. The IMF could then be shown 
the door.

      This scheme wouldn't solve all of Asia's problems. But it would at least 
head off one danger, namely the urge to accumulate even more reserves. 

      Recent volatility reinforces this temptation. If Asian countries succumb, 
global imbalances and all their associated problems will return. 

      Pooling regional reserves as a way of making them go further is a better 
alternative. But making this vision a reality requires further bold thinking.

      Barry Eichengreen is Professor of Economics at the University of 
California, Berkeley

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