Havana.  November 18, 2009

      Cuba continuing to develop innovative biotechnology products

      Lilliam Riera

      DESPITE the global economic-financial crisis and the cruel and unjust 
blockade imposed for more than 50 years by successive U.S. administrations, 
Cuba is continuing to develop innovative biotechnology products to improve the 
quality of life of its population and other nations. 

      Dr. Gerardo Guillén Nieto, director of biomedical research at Havana's 
Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Center (CIGB) in Havana, told Granma 
International that the center currently has around 70 research-development 
projects centering on important medical issues such as infectious disease, 
cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

      Reports from the World Health Organization indicate that 45% of deaths in 
poor countries are due to infectious diseases. 

      The situation in Cuba changed after 1959 and these diseases ceased to be 
a health problem thanks to the epidemiological vigilance directed by the 
prestigious Pedro Kourí Institute of Tropical Medicine (IPK), which has four 
centers of cooperation with global and Pan-American health organizations, 
including one dedicated to dengue and its vector. 

      The most predominant health problems for Cubans are now chronic 
non-transferable diseases, with an increase in the number of cases of cancer 
and cardiovascular disease, among the most common causes of death in First 
World countries. 

      CIGB's portfolio of projects is very impressive, Dr. Guillén stated, 
explaining that it contains innovative products, some which have been recently 
developed and others which are still in the development process. 

      Among those recently registered, he mentioned the combined Heberpenta 
vaccine and Heberprot-P, an injectable solution of epidermal growth factor.

      In just one shot, Heberpenta protects infants against diphtheria, 
tetanus, whopping cough, hepatitis B, and diseases caused by the bacterium 
Haemophilus influenzae type B.

      CIGB, the Finlay Institute, and the Reactive Chemical Laboratory at the 
University of Havana contributed to its invention. 

      Second of its type in the world, this liquid vaccine has achieved the 
same level of effectiveness as the one produced by the transnational 

      The Cuban pentavalent vaccine is part of the massive and free National 
Vaccine Program that protects the infant population against 13 preventable 
diseases and has allowed the country to prevent the resurgence of diseases that 
have been eliminated, including polio (eradicated in 1962 - Cuba was the first 
country on the continent to eradicate this disease), Neonatal tetanus (since 
1972), diphtheria, whooping cough, measles, rubella, and tubercular meningitis 
in children of under 12 months. 

      Heberprot-P is the only product in the world that helps heal complicated 
ulcers, like diabetic foot ulcers (UPD), and reduces the risk of amputation of 
the inferior members of these patients, thereby increasing their quality of 

      There are 285 million diabetics in the world today, a figure that is 
predicted to rise to 438 million in 2030, according to estimates by 
international agencies. 

      In Cuba, the number of diabetics could reach 624,000 by 2010, according 
to Dr. Oscar Díaz Díaz, director of the National Institute of Endocrinology, on 
a 2007 Cuban Television "Roundtable" program on this disease and its treatment. 

      However, the island has the lowest mortality rate for diabetes (12.3 per 
1,000 inhabitants) of the entire American continent, as noted in a report from 
the Pan-American Health Organization. 

      Developed by CIGB in conjunction with the National Institute of Angiology 
and Vascular Surgery, Heberprot-P was registered in Cuba in June 2006 and, in 
April 2007, was included within the basic spectrum of 866 medications, 537 of 
which are produced nationally. 

      Available in angiology services Cuban hospitals, work is ongoing to 
extend its use to the primary healthcare sector since last year," Ernesto López 
Mola, CIGB head of business development, informed Granma International in an 
interview in 2008. 

      The medication is patented in the United States, European Union, 
Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, South Africa, the Russian 
Federation, China, India, and Ukraine. Its use has been authorized in Venezuela 
and Algeria. 

      However, American citizens cannot benefit from this medicine due to the 
U.S. blockade of Cuba. 

      In the United States, there are almost 20 million diabetics. More than 
70,000 amputations related to UPD and diabetic wounds are reported each year 
and cost the health care system around $11.3 billion per annum. 

      Heberpenta and Heberprot-P are the most recent acquisitions of Heber 
Biotec S., an agency that exclusively markets biotechnology and pharmaceutical 
products, technological services, and research-development products from CIGB 
and other important Cuban laboratories and institutions to 45-plus countries in 
Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Eastern Europe. 

      Heber Biotec S.A. has more than 200 approved health registries in 52 
countries and signed distribution agreements with companies all over the world. 

      Madaisy Cueto Sánchez, the organization's promotion and publicity 
manager, explained to GI that both products are marketed under the Heberfarma 
product line, the pentavalent in the vaccine sector and Heberprot-P in the 
biological pharmaceutical sector. 

      According to data provided to GI, more than 335 million people in the 
world have benefited from the vaccines that Heber Biotec S.A. exports. 

      In addition to the pentavalent vaccine, the company markets Trivac HB 
(against dipheria, whooping cough, tetanus, and Hepatitis B), the Heberbiovac 
HB recombinant (against Hepatitis B) and the combined 

      Quimi-Hib (against the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae type b). 

      Heber Biotec S.A. and CIGB together form a complex of 
research-development, production, and marketing. 

      Inaugurated on July 1, 1986, CIGB is a vanguard institution in Cuban 
Biosciences. The institution's principal value is in its personnel, who are 
highly qualified and committed to the development of new products to improve 
the quality of life of millions of people around the world, as well as other 
applications for agriculture and livestock. 

      It has laboratories endowed with the state-of-the-art equipment needed 
for high level modern biotechnology research and has production facilities that 
meet the highest international standards. 

      CIGB is part of the Scientific Complex to the west of Havana established 
in 1991 in order to accelerate the development of biotechnology and 
medical-pharmaceutical products via the systematic coordination of research, 
teaching, and specialized production among different institutions. The original 
idea came from a speech given by Fidel Castro in the 1980s. 

      At the recently concluded 2009 Havana Biotechnology Conference, Dr. Luis 
Herrera, director of CIGB, acknowledged the role played by the leader of the 
Cuban Revolution as the precursor to the country's biotechnological 
development. In the 1980s, this sector received an initial government 
investment of more than $1.5 billion, which allowed the undeveloped and 
blockaded nation to place itself alongside the most developed countries in this 
field in the world. 

      Of the products being developed by CIGB, Dr. Guillén emphasized 
Proctokinasa, which is nothing more than the application of the Estreptoquinasa 
recombinant via the rectum in the form of a suppository, which helps break up 
clots. This product is the next to be registered. 

      He stated that an Alpha Interferon 2b Human Recombinant gel (Hebergel), 
indicated for low-grade cervical lesions, is currently in phase three of 
clinical trials. In addition, HeberPAG, a combination of Gamma Interferon human 
recombinant and Alpha 2b Human Recombinant, indicated for brain cancer, is 
currently in the advanced stages of development. 

      He noted that the therapeutic vaccine against Hepatitis C (Heberterap C) 
is currently in phase 2 of clinical trials in chronic patients and added that 
studies are underway for its prophylactic application. 

      In relation to the therapeutic vaccine against prostate cancer 
(Heberprovac) he stated that phase one of clinical trials has now concluded. 
Projects currently in the preclinical research stage include a prophylactic 
vaccine against the four strains of the dengue virus (Cuba is one of three 
countries in the Americas where this disease is not endemic), and drugs against 
diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. 

      Some of these projects were presented by Cuba at the 2009 Havana 
Biotechnology Conference, dedicated this year to medical applications in that 
branch of knowledge. Prominent researchers, including the 2008 Nobel Prize 
Winner in Physiology and Medicine Harald zur Hausen, and 1988 Nobel Prize 
Winner in Chemistry Robert Huber, attended the event. 

      During the conference, close to 500 specialists from more than 30 
countries were informed about Cuban biotechnology products, which contribute to 
the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of 26 diseases. 

      In 2007, Cuban pharmaceutical and biotechnology products were the 
country's second highest export item, only exceeded by nickel. The income 
generated from the sale of pharmaceuticals was valued at $350 million. 

      The prestigious British scientific magazine Nature described the Cuban 
biotechnology industry as the best established in the Third World. This is not 
by chance.

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