Refleksi: Anak buah SBY beraksi atau "in action", jadi  insyaalloh Anda tidak 
kaget atau marah. Hehehe
May 27, 2010 
The Jakarta Globe

FPI Attack Photographer During Riot

A journalist was badly wounded after his head was beaten with a bottle by a 
member of Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) in Petamburan, Central Jakarta on 
Wednesday night. 

Oktobriyan, a journalist from Lampu Hijau newspaper was covering an alcohol 
raid conducted by the FPI at a small kiosk, Metro TV said. He was taking 
pictures of FPI members wreaking havoc at the kiosk and beating up the kiosk 
owner and two locals. 

A member of the angry mob hit Oktobriyan's head with a bottle. Bleeding, the 
journalist was rushed to the nearby Pelni Hospital by locals. 

Ironically, the kiosk did not sell any alcoholic drinks. The bottles that FPI 
members thought to be beers were only soft drink bottles. After they finished 
damaging the kiosk, the mob moved on to attack a convenience store. 

Oktobriyan and the three other victims reported the attack to Tanah Abang 
Sector Police. According to the police, they were not informed about the raid.

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