
      Foolishness Over the Olympics and Tibet  

Tibet has been a part of China since ancient days. Historical records have 
shown that Tibet had been under the central government of China for more than 
700 years since the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368). Less than 6 decades ago, China 
emerged from a century of colonialist oppression and humiliation at the hands 
of the very same colonialists that are currently behind the anti-China campaign 
of disinformation. 

Up until the time of the Second World war, Tibet was considered as a part of 
China as they were trying to curb the encroachments of the British Empire on 
their territory. However, after the war, Washington decided to use Tibet's 
religious enclave in its fight against Communism. 

The international community is being barraged with a deliberate and sustained 
campaign of disinformation about what is going on with Tibet as once again, 
Washington is providing financial, political, diplomatic and propaganda support 
to a blatantly racist demonization effort, ostensibly due to "concerns" for 
"human rights." We've already seen the fake claims of genocide in Bosnia and 
Kosovo, the ridiculous and absurd lies about weapons of mass destruction in 
Iraq and babies being thrown out of incubators, now we have the poor 
downtrodden, innocent and abused "freedom fighters" in Tibet. 

Curious timing, as preparations are being made for the upcoming Olympics in 
Beijing. The corporate elitist media and some in-the-pocket politicians now 
suggest that boycotts be organized against the Beijing Olympics or the opening 
ceremonies at the very least. 

As early as last August, Chinese scholars were warning about the Dalai Lama and 
what he was up to: "The Dalai Lama is once again provoking activists," said Di 
Zhankun, a Qinghai-based Tibetologist, claiming that the 71-year-old Dalai Lama 
is preparing to usher in "an era of violence." 

The initial uprising in Lhasa on March 14 had been pre-planned and well 
orchestrated. We have none other than the Dalai Lama directing the actions of 
internal terrorists. As part of the so-called Tibet government in exile, the 
Dalai Lama has managed to grasp media attention worldwide to his "crusade" for 
an independent Tibet. 

The events that unfolded at the lighting of the Olympic flame March 24 in 
Greece were most revealing. A protest briefly disrupted the ceremonies. Three 
protesters were arrested, but then summarily released. None were Tibetan. They 
were three French men, it turns out, all from a notorious right-wing 
organization funded by the governments of France and the United States as well 
as some of the richest capitalist elitists in the world. They all are employees 
of the group called Reporters Without Borders. 

What most do not know about Tibet is the sinister historical links to the US 
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Tibet's current "independence" fanatics and 
rabble rousers maintain close ties with the CIA's National Endowment for 
Democracy (NED). It goes beyond any concept of non-violent protest as these 
individuals have engaged in acts of vandalism and looting, behaving like 
hooligans and criminals with rampant property destruction, hardly the actions 
of non-violent protest. 

The American Society for a Free Asia, a CIA front, gave unlimited publicity to 
the cause of Tibetan criminals. The CIA has provided the Tibetan exile movement 
with $1.7 million a year for its operations against China which includes an 
annual subsidy of $180,000 for the Dalai Lama. 

In the book, "Buddha's Warriors" by Mikel Dunham, is the story of CIA-backed 
Tibetan Freedom Fighters. In 434 pages, it explains how the CIA took hundreds 
of Tibetans to the US for combat training and provided them with modern arms. 

Protests occurred in the UK and France that truly demonstrated to the world 
that the spirit of the Olympics has once again been abandoned for questionable 
motives. However, Gordon Brown ignored calls to rebuff China because of the 
protests in Tibet, and welcomed the Olympic flame behind Downing Street's 
gates. Meanwhile, demonstrators and police clashed just yards away outside of 
Parliament. The Prime Minister did not hold the torch, but posed for a picture 
with it after. 

In Paris, protesters scaling the Eiffel Tower, grabbed for the flame and forced 
security officials to repeatedly snuff out the torch and transport it by bus 
past demonstrators who were shrieking "Free Tibet!" 

At another destination in San Francisco, three protesters wearing harnesses and 
helmets climbed up the Golden Gate Bridge and tied the Tibetan flag and two 
banners to its cables. The banners read "One World One Dream" and "Free Tibet." 

A media charade occurred when some of these "peaceful" monks in Tibet managed 
to get themselves arrested for the benefit of a visiting media team. China 
allowed a group of about two dozen reporters into Lhasa for a three-day 
escorted visit. The monks in a carefully choreographed action pushed in front 
of journalists on cue and recited a list of carefully prepared "grievances" and 
thereby sidetracked and disrupted the event. One of the monks also declared 
their intended purpose: "We know we will probably be arrested but we have to 
keep fighting," Naturally the group of monks ended up by being surrounded by 
security guards and other officials who tried to quiet the disturbance. Lights, 
camera, action! 

Indian Minister of State for External Affairs Anand Sharma said India will 
ensure the smooth run of the relay of the Olympic torch in the country, the 
Press Trust of India reported. "As far as the Government of India is concerned, 
we are committed to providing complete security to the Olympic torch," Sharma 
was quoted as saying. 

The European Union has rejected any boycott, saying it would be 
counterproductive to efforts to improve "human rights" in China. "Boycotting 
the XXIX Olympiad is not the right answer to the current political problems," 
said a statement from Slovenia, which holds the EU's rotating presidency. 

Unfortunately, it has become politically expedient to hate China in the empire 
today. After all, China sends them cheap junk . Never mind that corporate 
elitist businesses order that cheap junk and China makes it according to the 
specifications given them by these companies, all to maximize profits at the 
expense of quality. Blaming China gets the companies off the hook for what they 
ordered, inspected and accepted and willingly sold to the public for huge 
profits. China is being used as a scapegoat, albeit a very prosperous and 
wealthy scapegoat. 

Meanwhile the Dali Lama rolled into Seattle at his home base USA to attend a 5 
day conference entitled "Seeds of Compassion." Conference tickets were reported 
to be sold out. He told the media that China, "Cannot suppress protests against 
human rights in Tibet." Rich words coming from a paid CIA shill. 

There can be little doubt that the main beneficiaries to the death and 
destruction sweeping Tibet are in Washington. How disgusting it is to see so 
many well meaning people deceived into serving the interests of Washington and 
the corporate elitists in sabotaging the Beijing Olympics. The spirit and 
nature of the event are being spoiled all to the delight, enrichment and 
interests of corporate elitists. The Chinese people have a long memory and a 
keen sense of honor and this will not soon be forgotten or forgiven. 




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