Refleksi: Di Jerman algojo kamp konsentrasi perang dunia II dihukum, tetapi di 
NKRI para algojo pembunuhan tahun  1965/1966, di Timor Timur 1975, Aceh dan 
Papua bebas berkeliaran. Demianyuk keliru berdiam di USA, kalau berdiam di 
Indonesia pasti selamat bin aman menikmati hari tua dengan tentram.

Germany Charges Accused Nazi Guard 

Published: July 13, 2009 

BERLIN, July 13 (Reuters) - German prosecutors have charged suspected Nazi 
death camp guard John Demjanjuk with helping to kill about 28,000 Jews in World 
War Two, in what is expected to be one of Germany's last major Nazi-era war 
crimes cases. 

The 89-year old Demjanjuk, who has been held in a jail in southern Germany 
since May 12 after he was deported from the United States, will be tried at a 
court in Munich. 

The court, announcing the charges on Monday, could not give details on when the 
trial would take place. 

Ukrainian-born Demjanjuk, who denies any role in the Holocaust, was deemed fit 
by medical experts to stand trial despite protestations from his family that he 
is too frail. 

Demjanjuk tops the Simon Wiesenthal Center's list of its 10 most-wanted 
suspected war criminals. They say he pushed men, women and children into gas 
chambers at the Sobibor death camp in what is today Poland.

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