Last update - 00:00 15/12/2009     
      Israel confirms U.K. arrest warrant against Livni  
      By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent, and Haaretz Service  

Senior officials in Israel confirmed reports on Monday that a British court 
issued an arrest warrant against opposition chairwoman Tzipi Livni for her role 
in orchestrating Israel's military offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip 
nearly a year ago. 

The request for the warrant was submitted by a pro-Palestinian organization. 

British sources reported late Monday that though a British court had issued an 
arrest warrant for Livni over war crimes allegedly committed in Gaza while she 
served as foreign minister, it annulled it upon discovering she was not in the 
Livni served as foreign minister alongside Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and 
Defense Minister Ehud Barak during the Israel Defense Forces offensive in Gaza. 
The three figures comprised the "troika" of top decision-makers who charted the 
course of the war. 

Earlier Monday, Arab-language media reported that Livni canceled her 
participation in a Jewish function in London after a warrant for her arrest was 
issued over part in last winter's Israel's Gaza offensive. 

Israel's ambassador to London, Ron Prosor, conferred with officials in the 
British Ministry of Justice who told him that they were unaware of any criminal 
complaint or arrest warrant against the former foreign minister. 

Yet, further inquiries by Israeli officials revealed that a warrant had indeed 
been issued. 

Al-Quds Al-Arabi claimed on Monday that Scotland Yard advised the organizers of 
the Jewish National Fund conference in northwest London that the former foreign 
minister had canceled her scheduled address to the assembly over threats of a 
possible lawsuit by pro-Palestinian groups. 

The Al-Quds Al-Arabi report also said that a group of about 100 anti-Israel 
protesters rallied outside the Hendon Hall Hotel on Sunday, just as delegates 
arrived at the JNF meet. 

Livni's office said in a statement following the report that her appearance at 
the London event was canceled two weeks ago due to a scheduling conflict. 

Livni's office also said that the opposition leader was proud of all the 
decisions she made as foreign minister during the Gaza war, an operation which 
she said achieved its goal of bring security to Israel. 

A United Kingdom court two months ago deferred until further notice an appeal 
by local pro-Palestinian groups to issue an arrest warrant against Barak, who 
was visiting the country at the time. 

A similar appeal was issued in 2004 against Israel's then defense minister, 
Shaul Mofaz. At the time, Mofaz was granted immunity from international arrest 
and trial - a precedent set by the British court, which until then had given 
such protection only to foreign ministers or premiers 


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