February 18, 2009 
Muninggar Sri Saraswati

MUI Raps Seller of 'Tickets to Heaven'
A man from the East Java town of Blitar says he will continue to sell "tickets 
to heaven" for Rp 4 million ($336), despite the Indonesia Council of Ulema, or 
MUI, alleging that the man's teachings are a "deviation."

"I only teach [people] how to find a peaceful life. I accept people from 
different backgrounds and religions," said Suliyani, 62, challenging the MUI to 
meet him to discuss his teachings.

Speaking to Metro TV, Suliyani, 62, said he would continue to seek and accept 
more followers to add to his 250 current students if the MUI did not take the 
time to discuss the issue.

He said that the payments for his courses were compensation for guiding 
followers, who were having problems in their lives.

"A ticket to heaven may not be the correct term, but I always assure my 
followers that I will pay the money back if they do not find peace in their 
lives within a year," he said.

Ahmad Su'udi, MUI secretary in Blitar, said that Suliyani's teachings were a 
deviation because of the fees he charged his followers. "We will question him 
about his teachings after we gather enough material," he said. 

Another group the MUI deemed to be "deviant," the sect of Satrio Piningit 
Weteng Buwono in Jakarta, allegedly practiced group sex rituals. Jakarta Police 
named its leader, Agus Imam Solichin, as a suspect for blasphemy.

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