Refleksi : Fakta Indonesia merdeka? Lambat laum akan sebih buruk lagi. 

RI minority groups 'still being attacked'
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Thu, 05/27/2010 9:58 AM | Headlines 

Indonesia's minority and religious groups remain vulnerable to violence and 
discrimination, says an Amnesty International report released Wednesday in  

The influential group cited the case of Christian students at SETIA Theological 
College (STT) in Jakarta who continued to study and live in sub-standard 
temporary buildings after a violent attack by the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) 
forced their evacuation in July 2008.

The FPI is a hard-line Islamic group in Indonesia.

There are calls from Indonesians and moderate Muslims for the government to 
regulate or ban the FPI, but currently no action has been taken against the 

The Amnesty International report also said that the Indonesian government has 
been hampering freedom of expression and that at least 114 people were detained 
in 2009 for public statements or demonstrations of dissent.

"The overwhelming majority [of those detained] were peaceful political 
activists who were sentenced to terms of imprisonment for raising prohibited 
pro-independence flags in Maluku or Papua," said the report.

As previously reported, separatists from the South Maluku Republic (RMS) group 
tried to wave an RMS flag in front of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's 
entourage during his visit to Maluku in June 2007.

RMS protesters performed an unscheduled cakalele war dance for a quarter hour 
before one protestor unfurled a large RMS flag during a ceremony to commemorate 
National Family Day.

The government said that the group's actions were a serious threat to the 
country's unity.

Authorities detained a number of RMS activists in 2004 and 2005 who were later 
arrested and convicted for involvement in similar incidents.

Amnesty International also said that the government continued to intimidate and 
harass human rights activists and that at least seven activists were facing 
criminal defamation charges.

Most alleged human rights violations against human rights defenders, including 
torture, murder and disappearances, have remained unsolved and those 
responsible have not been brought to justice, the report said.

In the case of Munir Said Thalib, Amnesty International said that those 
responsible for slaying the human rights activist were still at large.  

There were violent clashes throughout the year in Papua province, said the 

Police torture was widespread during a series of arrests, interrogations and 
detentions in Papua. Security forces also allegedly committed unlawful killings.

"In January, at least 75 villagers from Suluk Bongkal village, Riau Islands, 
were charged with illegally claiming land and were arrested after being 
forcefully evicted from the land," said the report.

The group also criticized the government for a failure to bring to justice past 
human rights violators in Aceh, Papua, East Timor (now Timor Leste) and 
elsewhere in the archipelago.

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