Refleksi : Apakah RI sudah tidak lagi memainkan peranan dalam Non-Aligned 
Movement dan hanya  terkonsentrasi pada Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) 

       Havana.  July 13, 2009

      Raúl arrives in Algeria 
      . Received by President Bouteflika . To attend 15th Non-Aligned Movement 

      Jorge Martín Blandino 

      ALGIERS, July 12.- Cuban President Raúl Castro Ruz was received with an 
embrace last Sunday afternoon by Abdelaziz Bouteflika, president of the 
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, as he stepped down from the Cubana 
Aviation airliner that brought him to this city to begin a working visit to 
this sister North African nation. 

      Raúl, together with the rest of the Cuban delegation, received a welcome 
salute from the Honor Committee, comprising high-ranking Algerian dignitaries, 
while the artillery fired a 21-gun salute. 

      After the national anthems of both Cuba and Algeria were played and the 
two leaders had reviewed the honor guard, they walked to the main building at 
the Hoari Boumediene International Airport, where they had a brief 

      Bouteflika accompanied Raúl to the residence where the delegation is 
staying. There, the presidents continued their exchange of opinions, continuing 
to do so until the new working session begins this Monday. 

      The Cuban delegation also includes Commander of the Revolution Ramiro 
Valdés Menéndez, General of the Army Leopoldo Cintra Frías, both members of the 
Political Bureau, and Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz, vice president of the Council of 

      This delegation will represent Cuba at the 15th Non-Aligned Movement 
Summit in Egypt. Joining them will be Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez 
Parrilla, who is already in that nation, taking part in the Ministerial Segment 
prior to the meeting of heads of state. 

      Translated by Granma International 



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