
South Sulawesi Threatened by Conflicts
Tuesday, 26 January, 2010 | 16:55 WIB 

TEMPO Interactive, Makassar:It has been revealed that at least 12 regions in 
the country have potential ethnic conflicts, struggles over natural resources 
and fights caused by political alignments and corruption. 

In South Sulawesi, the seeds of conflict have existed since a long time and 
have started to grow now. 

If they are not anticipated, conflicts like those in Poso, Ambon or Aceh could 
easily explode. 

This concern is being studied by peace activists for three days at Clarion 
Hotel Makassar from yesterday until tomorrow. 

The discussion forum for peace facilitators titled "Movement Synergy for a 
Peaceful Indonesia" is being attended followed by 100 participants from within 
the country and abroad.

Conflicts in South Sulawesi, according to Sofyan Sinte, a peace coordinator 
from the region, could be triggered by 11 simultaneous regional leaders 
elections in June. 

The conflict embryo exploded last week in Pangkep Regency. 

Supporters from two candidate regency leaders clashed. 

The local police have named two persons as suspects. 

Below are potential conflicts in 12 provinces: 

Province Trigger

1. Aceh Natural resources exploitation

2. Lampung Natural resources exploitation

3. West Kalimantan Natural resources exploitation

4. North Sulawesi Natural resources exploitation

5. Central Sulawesi Natural resources exploitation, 
conservatism and radicalism, ethnic, 
religious, race inter-group issues

6. South Sulawesi Natural resources exploitation, 
corruption, political parties' 
conflict and sectarianism

7. Maluku Natural resources exploitation

8. North Maluku Natural resources exploitation and 

9. East Natural resources exploitation
Nusa Tenggara 

10. West Conservatism and radicalism, 
Nusa Tenggara ethnic, religious, 
race, inter-group issues

11. Papua Natural resources exploitation, 
conservatism, radicalism, ethnic, 
religious, race, inter-group issues, 
political parties' conflict, 
sectarianism and corruption.

12. West Papua Natural resources exploitation, 
conservatism, radicalism, ethnic, 
religious, race inter-group issues, 
political parties conflict, 
sectarianism and corruption

11 Simultaneous Regional Leaders Elections

Gowa Regency

Bulukumba Regency

Selayar Regency

Maros Regency

Pangkep Regency

Barru Regency

Soppeng Regency

Tana Toraja Regency

Toraja Utara Regency

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