14 - 20 January 2010
Issue No. 981
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

The curse of Muslim lands
Too much innocent blood has been spilled in the name of Islam. It is time the 
madness came to an end, writes Aijaz Zaka Syed* 


Terrorism, they say, is the weapon of the weak. But in our case it has become 
the weapon against the weak. The use of suicide is not something invented by 
Muslims. It's perhaps as old as homicide. Japan's harakiri comes to mind. But 
perhaps no people have suffered from it, and because of it, as much as Muslims 
have in recent years.

So what drives a suicide bomber? And what kind of cause, however noble, makes 
you kill innocent people peacefully going about their day-to-day business -- 
people who haven't harmed anyone and pose no threat to anyone? And how can 
these faceless men, whatever their motives, ever think they would be forgiven, 
let alone rewarded, in the next life for their despicable acts against the 

Is this what Islam really preaches and stands for? If not -- as we all know it 
doesn't -- why aren't our religious scholars, leaders and wise men raising a 
storm and doing more to stop these mad men bent on tarnishing the image of a 
noble faith and its billion plus followers? 

I have struggled with these questions every time innocent people are killed in 
a terror attack or suicide bombing. And these questions have been troubling me 
again since the mind- numbing attacks on a Muharram procession in Karachi and a 
volleyball match in Pakistan's north last week. 

The unparalleled scale of the attack on the Ashura procession in Karachi -- 
Pakistan's financial/commercial capital and political nerve centre -- has 
shaken a country that has long been used to daily mayhem of this kind. Nearly 
50 people were killed and 500 injured in the Karachi attack. But more than the 
loss of lives, it is the devastation wreaked on the country's biggest city that 
day that will haunt Pakistan for a long time to come. 

Thousands of businesses, shops and commercial establishments were destroyed in 
no time, incurring losses worth billions of dollars. And the attack on the 
heavily attended volleyball match in the troubled Northwest killed 75 
villagers, and left scores maimed. 

None of those watching the match or attending the Muharram procession had 
anything to do with the Western wars in Afghanistan-Pakistan or Iraq. They had 
no sympathy or affiliation whatsoever with the United States and the West. Then 
why have they been targeted? More importantly, what have the planners and 
perpetrators of these devastating attacks against unsuspecting bystanders 

But whoever said there is any higher purpose or noble objective behind all this 
madness? There's no method in the madness. This is an all-consuming monster 
that does not distinguish between friends and foes. In fact, paradoxical as it 
may sound, more Muslims than non-Muslims have been killed in macabre attacks 
carried out in the name of Islam.

As regular readers would know, this humble hack has been doing his bit -- for 
what it's worth -- to question, critique and confront the big powers have been 
playing in the Middle East and Arab/Muslim world for centuries, and has gone to 
great lengths to point out repeatedly why US and Western policies are to blame 
for much of the mess you see in the Muslim world today, from Palestine to 

I have also religiously underscored the fact that groups like Al-Qaeda have 
been birthed and fuelled by Western double standards and unjust, callous 
policies in the Muslim world. And that even in the face of increasing threats 
from extremist groups and evidence of a clear link between cause and effect, 
the West has tenaciously refused to address, review and change its fundamental 
policies in the greater Middle East region. But that's another story altogether.

Western actions cannot be an excuse for the kind of extremist violence that is 
being visited on Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere. Why are innocent 
people -- almost all of them Muslims -- being made to pay for Western policies 
and sins? And how does it help the "cause" of these so-called defenders of 
Islam when they target innocent Muslims, and non-Muslims for that matter? This 
death cult is the ultimate injustice and calumny against a faith that 
celebrates peace, reason, moderation and justice in all spheres. Why, Islam 
literally means peace!

So what kind of Islam do these lunatics think they believe in when they send 
young, impressionable 13-year-olds who haven't even experienced what life is to 
die? The Karachi attack and the terror strike on the volleyball match are only 
the most recent instances of crimes committed in the name of a great faith. 
Pakistan's recent history, and that of the Middle East, is replete with such 
vile and craven crimes against humanity. 

Tens of thousands of innocent Muslims -- and non-Muslims -- have died in this 
mindless violence targeting bazaars, mosques, schools, hospitals... you name 
it. True, the self-styled "coalition of the willing" has visited a great deal 
of horror on Iraq and Afghanistan. But we are not any less injured by nihilists 
who kill and murder with impunity in our name.

Let's face it: Some of the worst crimes against Muslims have been committed in 
the name of Islam by people who claim to be our defenders and champions. In 
fact, they are worse than the West because they pretend to be our friends and 
allies before they hunt us from within.

If the invaders of Iraq and Afghanistan are not our friends, the folks who live 
in our midst to kill us from within like a cancer are not our friends either. 
This is the reality Muslims have to confront, and confront it now, before it's 
too late. And this is the message we have to send across Muslim lands and 
around the world. 

I do not know how many people, especially Muslims, paid attention to this 
year's hajj sermon. Addressing the white sea of three million pilgrims from 
around the world in Mecca, and by extension the larger Muslim world, Grand 
Mufti Sheikh Abdel-Aziz Al-Sheikh used unusually strong language to draw 
attention to the issue that has become the bane of the Islamic world. 

While Islamic scholars, including those leading prayers at the most sacred 
mosque on the planet, have been talking about the growing cult of the suicide 
bomber and warning against extremism, this is the first time anyone has 
condemned the menace with such force and in such unequivocal terms. Warning 
Muslims around the world against the extremists, the grand mufti termed the 
spectre of terror and suicide attacks as "the curse of Muslim lands". He 
singled out the extremism and the death cult of suicide attacks as the "most 
serious problem" facing the Muslim community today. 

This is the message that has to be taken far and wide with the force and 
conviction with which it was delivered. This is a matter of life and death, 
literally. Religious scholars, politicians, intellectuals, the media and 
ordinary Muslims have to come together, deploying all resources and means at 
their disposal to free ourselves of this stigma distorting the real, pristine 
image of Islam before the world. 

Too much innocent blood has been spilled and too many innocents have died in 
the name of our faith. It's time to say enough is enough! Please, not in our 
name! For God's sake, not in our name!

* The writer is opinion editor of Khaleej Times . 

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