U.S. government appreciates JCP Chair Shii's letter on elimination of nuclear 


Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on May 19 made public a letter he 
received from the U.S. government in response to his April 28 letter calling on 
U.S. President Obama to take the initiative for starting international 
negotiations to conclude a treaty abolishing nuclear weapons.

The following is the opening statement Shii made at the news conference.

I make public a letter from the U.S. government responding to my letter sent on 
April 28 to U.S. President Obama. In my letter, I called on him to take the 
initiative to eliminate nuclear weapons. The U.S. letter in response is signed 
by Assistant Secretary of State Glyn T. Davies on behalf of President Obama.

We make available the original text of the letter with the translation we 
prepared. The signature by Mr. Davies is not shown on the copy of the letter 
from the U.S. for the purpose of protecting privacy.

In my letter to the U.S. President welcoming the president's call for a "world 
without nuclear weapons" in his Prague speech, I stated our views as to how 
best this call can be implemented effectively.

The U.S. letter of response appreciated the favorable impression I had of 
President Obama's speech in Prague and our views conveyed to him regarding "how 
we can best achieve a world free of nuclear weapons." The letter expressed 
appreciation of our "passion for this issue" and concluded by stating, "Thank 
you again for your thoughtful correspondence."

This official response to my letter proves that President Obama is serious 
about, and has enthusiasm for, the elimination of nuclear weapons. I want to 
welcome this response.

In my letter, I requested that President Obama take action in order to (1) 
start international negotiations for the abolition of nuclear weapons and (2) 
have the nuclear-weapons countries promise at the next year's NPT Review 
Conference to fulfill their commitment to the complete elimination of their 
nuclear arsenals. We hope to see President Obama take concrete action in 
response to these requests.

In this regard, we note the message President Obama sent on May 5 to the 
Preparatory Committee for the NPT Review Conference reiterating that the United 
States will "seek the peace and security of a world free of nuclear weapons" 
while reaffirming the "United States' commitment to the Nuclear 
Non-Proliferation Treaty". This is a step forward that represents a welcome 
move away from the previous Bush administration's denial of the nuclear-weapons 
countries' "undertaking".

The outcome regarding the issue of nuclear weapons will be heavily influenced 
by global public opinion. In preparation for the next NPT Review Conference in 
2010, the 2008 World Conference against A & H Bombs launched an international 
signature campaign in support of the "Appeal for a Nuclear Weapons-Free World," 
which calls "on the nuclear weapons states and all other governments to agree 
to commence and conclude negotiations of a treaty, a nuclear weapons 
convention, to ban and eliminate nuclear weapons without delay." It is very 
important to increase the influence of this signature campaign, which is 
underway, along with many other grassroots movements, for the abolition of 
nuclear weapons in many countries, in particular Japan, the only atomic bombed 
country. The JCP will do its utmost to contribute to the development of the 

- Akahata, May 20, 2009

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