Jul 2, 2009 

Yudhoyono rides anti-corruption wave
By Patrick Guntensperger 

JAKARTA - The conviction on corruption charges of a close relative to President 
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has significantly bolstered his graft-fighting 
credentials just weeks before presidential polls set for July 8. Former Bank of 
Indonesia governor Aulia Pohan, the father-in-law of Yudhoyono's son, was 
convicted and sentenced in mid-June to four-and-a-half years in prison on 
embezzlement charges. 

Some political analysts believe the timing of the conviction could be decisive 
for the Yudhoyono-Boediono ticket, which was already leading comfortably in 
most preliminary opinion polls. Those perceptions will have been strengthened 
by the conviction on Tuesday of ex-West Java governor Danny Setiwan on 
"collective corruption" charges, and the sentencing of a former supplier for 
the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, Erry Fuad, to over two years in 
prison for embezzling funds. 

Corruption issues have featured prominently in Yudhoyono's presidential race 
against former president Megawati Sukarnoputri and incumbent vice president 
Jusuf Kalla. These contenders have tried unsuccessfully in public debates to 
portray the incumbent president as soft on graft and keen to curtail the powers 
of a highly successful counter-corruption agency which he has strongly 
supported from behind the scenes. 

Yudhoyono first rose to power in 2004 on an anti-corruption platform, an issue 
that dominated that year's polls. True to that campaign vow, he has during his 
five-year tenure presided indirectly over the conviction of several top 
officials and politicians. Earlier, Yudhoyono was accused of netting more 
opposition-linked politicians and officials than from his own camp, but the 
conviction of Pohan has symbolically countered that criticism at a crucial 
juncture in the election campaign. 

Since the Corruption Eradication Commission's (KPK) establishment, Yudhoyono 
has scored significant political points for the quasi-independent agency's 
take-no-prisoners approach. Although officially established in December 2003 
under Megawati Sukarnoputri's administration, the KPK's record of independence, 
probity and an extraordinary 100% conviction rate developed and grew on 
Yudhoyono's watch. 

The KPK has tackled Indonesia's endemic corruption head-on and in the process 
built former soldier Yudhoyono's international reputation as a good governance 
champion in one of the world's perceived most graft-ridden countries. Through 
May, the KPK investigated and prosecuted 143 cases, winning guilty convictions 
and prison sentences in every case. The fallen have included congressmen, 
mayors, regents, diplomats, former governors and legislative commissioners. 

Despite that record, the KPK's future is in legal jeopardy. The KPK and its 
exclusive anti-corruption court were created as independent bodies with a 
mandate to investigate and prosecute crimes that caused extraordinary state 
losses. But the specialized court's mandate has come under assault from the 
Constitutional Court on the grounds it lacks "legal certainty" because other 
criminal courts also try corruption cases. 

The court has been allowed to maintain its jurisdiction until the legislature 
debates and passes a new law to address the legal uncertainty issue, and 
decides whether to give the court permanent status. The current court's 
jurisdiction is scheduled to expire in December and unless the new law is 
passed by then it will be dissolved. In that scenario, the KPK, which is 
legally required to bring all cases before the anti-corruption court, would 
lose its prosecutorial authority. 

Stalling tactics
Indonesia's legislature, known as the DPR, has stalled its deliberations of the 
proposed new law through weeks of debate on the proposed title of the new law, 
while largely neglecting the spirit and letter of the legislation. The DPR will 
adjourn in September, after which the debates over the anti-corruption court 
law would go back to square one under newly elected representatives. Analysts 
say it is a virtual impossibility that the law will be passed by September. 

The threat to the KPK and its anti-corruption court has emerged as a hot 
campaign issue. All three presidential candidates have vowed to extend the 
anti-corruption court's jurisdiction by way of a presidential decree. But any 
such measure would need to be ratified by the DPR, which as currently 
configured - Yudhoyono's Democrat Party accounting for less than 8% of the 
body's seats - has locked horns with the KPK. 

Apart from stalled deliberations on the fate of the anti-corruption court law, 
legislators have also bid to shut down the KPK altogether after its chairman, 
Azhar Antassari, was caught up in murder charges. Antassari has been named as a 
suspect in connection with the drive-by shooting death of a rival for the 
affections of a young female golf caddy. Antassari has maintained his 
innocence, but stepped down from his post to enter pre-trial detention. 

The DPR claimed that the case had opened constitutional questions over whether 
deputies could share the duties of a deposed chairman. It has said that the KPK 
should be shut down and all its activities stopped until the disposition of the 
Antassari case was completed. Those calls died down after media criticism and 
conspiracy theories circulated that the Antassari scandal may have been a setup 
to hamstring the KPK while outgoing congressmen tried to secure their post-DPR 
retirements through corrupt means. 

When the new legislature is seated, Yudhoyono's party will account for nearly 
22% of the DPR's seats. But it's unclear if new congressmen from the rival 
PDI-P (Democratic Party of Struggle) or Golkar will aim to torpedo the 
anti-corruption court's future existence and by association undermine the KPK's 
viability. The mounting uncertainty over Yudhoyono's counter-corruption drive 
has caused many foreign investors to take a wait-and-see attitude on new 
capital commitments, seen in stagnant FDI and equity market statistics. 

Political analysts believe the KPK's anti-corruption drive, despite being led 
by nominally quasi-independent agencies, has significantly bolstered 
Yudhoyono's chances of a second five-year term. While he has not been overtly 
involved in investigations or prosecutions, seen most clearly in the recent 
conviction of his family relation, many Indonesians perceive he has provided 
not-so-subtle support to the KPK's efforts. 

Yudhoyono has also significantly maintained both the KPK's and the 
anti-corruption court's budgetary allocations in the face of economic crisis 
and despite the DPR's and the Attorney General's Office's calls for cuts, 
restrictions and limitations on authority. Outside of the entrenched power 
elite, Indonesians are hungry for the type of reform Yudhoyono has so far 
delivered and many voters hope he will accelerate in a second term. 

Patrick Guntensperger is a Jakarta-based freelance journalist and political and 
social commentator. He lectures in journalism and communications at several 
universities and is a consultant in communications and corporate social 
responsibility. His blog is at: 

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