On 2007-10-22 22:21, Daniel Weatherill wrote:
> there is now a package in packman, which i've been reported by a couple of
> people works for them...
> I installed it, and nothing. Still had the same GUI issues. I could still
> run it through SSH X forwarding, or gdb fine.
> Then a few days later I happened to be booted in a realtime kernel to do
> some MIDI sequencing... I fired up cinelerra, and lo and behold it worked!!
> I could think of no reason why this was until I tried actually importing and
> messing with some clips. Cinelerra was running without openGL support and
> the performance was terrible. I realised this was because I have not
> compiled a binary nvidia driver for my realtime kernel. When I boot into the
> normal kernel with binary nvidia drivers, bingo I hve the frozen GUI issues.
> Note this is not a problem with selecting openGL as a playback method, as I
> edited that manually in the config file so it wasn't selected. This seems to
> be an issue with the nvidia drivers and cinelerra??? Note this happens on
> BOTH my machines with nvidia cards... one using the legacy series drivers,
> and one using the new series drivers, so it happens with both. Also, I don't
> have a machine with ATI/matrox cards... which means I can't test GL enabled
> cinelerra with non-nvidia proprietary drivers. So that's the current
> situation. I also have a laptop with intel graphics... I have no suse
> install on it at the moment, just mac OSX. I will now try to get a suse
> install see if cinelerra works. Please, has anyone any new ideas about this?

I don't have any 10.3 SUSE systems yet, and haven't packaged it myself. 
I don't see packman providing a non-opengl build, which might be handy
for this case.

> I LOVE cinelerra when it works, but I can't go on without having openGL
> enabled, it achieves a framerate of about 3 fps otherwise

Wow, on what frame size video and cpu?  3 fps is rather low for
cinelerra even in software.  Have you tried the x11-xv output driver? 
Is your audio playback clean?


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