je me suis trompé ou c'est mon
emailer ?
-------- Message original --------
salut Pierre,
Voici la réponse de Monty Montgomery à propos de ton problème.
Je peux bien évidemment transmettre le EDL.
J'avais donné ton adresse email s'ils voulaient te contacter
directement. Mais comme il a répondu sur la liste c'est
peut-être plus intéressant de le transmettre sur la liste aussi.
A toi de voir.
-------- Message original --------
Hello Haldan,
> A canadien video maker, Pierre, from another liste (lprod/France) who had
> some issues in subscribing to our liste, security announcement scares him,
There are some ongoing issues with the mailing list; the maintainers
are aware of them.
> has a problem of synchronisation in editing for which we, on the other list,
> couldn't bring him a solution.
Having watched the video and read your mail, I could not tell if
'Align to frame boundaries' is set. That's sort of a 'stupid
question' type suggestion, but if it's that's simple... :-)
> I have to wonder if the problem is not related to the Cinelerra-CV way to
> manage NTSC frame rate of 29.97 frames/second. Which, according to the link
> provided, would lead to mismatches related to differences in length of image
> and sound tracks, and fragments of sound, remaining after cutting.
well, this would be responsible for an error of about a half sample at
a frame boundary (1/48000th of a second). I work almost exclusively
in 24000/1001 and don't have alignment issues--- but my workflow is
also somewhat different (I cut across tracks for additional
flexibility, not within a single timeline).
I am more worried about an error in the frame number calculation
caused by the noninteger framerate. Cinelerra certainly has some
examples of this.
> It is as if the cuts I made on the timeline, leaving debris soundtracks
> (which would have exceeded the cut point on the video track) and
> subsequently contaminating sequences that follow the insertion ...
> This problem is very annoying and undermines my editing work, it is also
> difficult to understand ... and more to find a solution ...
Hmmm... Would it be possible to send me the EDL (that is the save file
format) for the project pre-cut, post insertion and then again
post-stretch when the problem manifests? I'd like to see the internal
representation of what Cinelerra thinks it is doing there. I don't
need the media, just the EDL.
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