Hey take a look on these two articles and tell me your opinion.....

Have we all forgotten the Benjamin Franklin's prophecy that he had made at
the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention of 1787 in which he had pleaded
"If you do not exclude them from these United States, in this constitution,
in less than 200 years they will have swarmed here in such great numbers
that they will dominate and devour the land and change our form of
government, for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives, our
substance and jeopardized our liberty.
If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be
working in the fields to furnish them substance, while they will be in the
counting houses rubbing their hands. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not
exclude them for all time, your children will curse you in your graves."
Of course we have forgotten these words; otherwise we would have seen the
villains through along with their viles. In the midst of the attacks in WTC
and Pentagon, we are being led to believe that this kind of operation has
been launched by someone from the dark corners of the world putting the
whole American intelligence apparatus at bay. Dont we understand as to who
exactly are the real beneficiaries of this episode. Look at the precision
work with which this operation has been conducted and the way commercial
jetliners were rammed into the WTCs; the only parallel we can draw is the
Entebbe Operation. This kind of precision and accuracy could have only been
achieved by just one country in the world. They knew well that this
operation would open the gates of backlash against their archrivals. The
Christians have been used in the past, yet they are going to be used again.
Every one knows about the plans to blow up the Temple in Jerusalem (Dome of
the Rock) to rebuild the temple -it was therefore necessary for the WTC
operation planners to arrange it in a way so that their ends are achieved by
killing all the birds with one stone. Now the forces of whole of Western Eur
ope and the US are being garnered to strike the East-another series of the
Crusades are in the offing, for which there would be the offering of the
animal sacrifice with the blood of humanity at large.
Grace Halsell had warned in her book, "Forcing God Hands", published by
Crossroads International Publishing , Washington DC, about all those
millions who are praying for a quick rapture and destruction of planet earth
and all those who are anxiously waiting and striving to hasten the
Armageddon to happen.
Rev. Jerry Falwell had told Pastor's Conference on January 15, 1999 that the
Anti Christ - portrayed for some 2000 years as evil incarnate - may be a Jew
alive today. Israel is contemplating on the destruction and defiling of the
Temple in Jerusalem (i.e. the present Dome of the Rock) and is using the
garb of the West-East clash of civilization. It would not have been possible
without causing this colossal damage in the NYC and by injecting anger
amongst the Americans against the whole Islamic World. We must see through
the prism the stark reality and let us not be led through by the mindless
Should America and the Americans become pawns in the Great Game? Are we
guinea pigs in the hands of those who are trying to impose their New World
Order on us?
Let us join hands in fighting these rascals. We must know that who will
roost the pigeon in the end?

intelligence source revealed details of an internal intelligence memo
that points to the Israeli Mossad intelligence service having links to the
World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks. The intelligence source, who
requested his name be withheld, confirmed the internal US intelligence memo
circulated four weeks ago described information that pointed to the threat
of a covert Israeli operation on US soil to turn mass public opinion against
Palestinian Arabs via an apparent terrorist attack on US interests that
would give Israel the green light to implement a large scale military
onslaught against
the Palestinian Arab population. The 11 September attack has been
described by experts as being too sophisticated for a lone terrorist group
to execute. "This attack required a high level of military precision and the
resources of an advanced intelligence agency. In addition, the attackers
would have needed to be extremely familiar with both air force one flight
operations, civil airline flight paths and aerial assault tactics on
sensitive US cities like Washington," Stated David Stern an expert on
intelligence operations. The attacks targeted the Pentagon, World Trade
towers, with the White House and air force also being targets according to
the FBI. "The attacks have certainly turned US public opinion firmly back in
Israel's favor after 11 months of Palestinian uprising, heavy criticism of
Israel over war crimes allegations and racism by a UN conference in Durban.
attacks serve no Arab group or nation's interests but their timing came
in the midst of international condemnation of Israel for its policy of
death squad assassination of Palestinian political and police figures",
added Stern. If verified, the news of Israel's involvement in the US attack
will come as no surprise to intelligence experts. The state of Israel has a
long history of covert operations against Western targets with attacks on
the King David Hotel, USS Liberty, murder of a Scandinavian UN envoy as well
as espionage against the US during the Jonathan Pollard case. On Wednesday
the US defense department issued a warning to its officials to halt the leak
of information on the investigation which it says is happening on a daily
basis since the attacks occurred.

Awaiting for your reply...


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