Hi ,
I keep ketting these messages on my Cisco router. When these messages
show up the VPN goes down for a few minutes and then automatically fixes

itself after a few more minutes.  Here's the message:

IPSEC (decapsulation):error is decapsulation crypto ipsec_sa_exists.
crypto-4-recvd_inv_SPI: decaps: rec'd IPSEC packet has invalid SPI
destaddr=x.x.x.x, prot=50,spi=0x2f0j2500 ( 535353526)

The remote office Cisco router is connected to my firewall using an
VPN. It's using IKE for the keys. On the Checkpoint firewall1 encryption

propeties tab it  says  "renegotiate IKE SA every 52 minutes"  and
"renegotiate IPSEC SA's every 3600 seconds.

On the Cisco router if I do "sh crypto isakmp policy". I see the
lifetime set for 3120 seconds ( which equates to 52 minutes). If I do a
"sh crypto ipsec security-association-lifetime". I see 4608000
kilobytes/3600 seconds which also matches the checkpoint properties tab.

Any help is appreciated.


John A. Gesualdi,    CCNP, CCDP, MCSE 2000
The Providence Journal Company
Phone (401)277-8133
Pager (401)785-6938

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