I just received this from "NETWORK WORLD".
I thought I would forward it to the group.

"Just an old dog learning new tricks".

>Today's Focus: An update on salaries
>Today's Focus: An update on salaries
>By Tom Whitley
>This shouldn’t surprise you (if it does, maybe you need to pay
>particular attention), but a new salary survey confirms that technical
>salaries continue their upward climb.
>Results of the survey conducted by William M. Mercer, a New York firm
>specializing in human resource consulting, shows rapid salary increases
>across the spectrum of information technology jobs.  Considering the
>relatively flat U.S. inflation rate, some of the increases are probably
>among the highest of any profession in the country.  Here are some
>     * The 2000 median salary for operating system managers rose 13%
>     from $78,900 to $88,900.
>     * Senior systems engineers’ pay rose 8.9% to $70,000.
>     * Average network administrators enjoyed a 5.8% increase to
>     $51,300.
>     * Senior tech writers’ pay was up 3.1% to $49,500.
>     * Network engineers’ compensation rose 9%.
>     * Systems administrators saw a 10% increase in salary.
>For comparison, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that wages
>and salaries for workers in all private-sector industries increased
>4.2% between March 1999 and March 2000.
>Our personal experience as recruiters certainly confirms the trend.  We
>face a variety of challenges in our efforts to find high-tech talent
>for our clients, and have made a couple of observations:
>First, until fairly recently, six-digit salaries for “working class”
>technical people were relatively rare; higher management and
>consultants were the only consistent exceptions.  Today, we are
>actively searching for a variety of network design and database pros
>to fill positions with a potential to start well above $100,000.  We
>have difficulty finding qualified people who even want to interview
>for many of those positions.
>Second, hiring officials live in the tech world and enjoy a relatively
>high salary themselves.  They should know the score, but many of them
>just can’t seem to come to grips with the amount of money they are
>going to have to pay to hire certain kinds of technical people.  They
>expect us, as recruiters, to produce champagne on a beer budget.  Of
>course, we’re thankful our clients come to us to help solve their
>problems, and sometimes we can produce a real bargain.  Unrealistically
>low salary caps, however, are causing a lot of grief for companies that
>want and need to implement updated networks and business systems that
>capitalize on new technology.
>To contact Tom Whitley:
>Tom Whitley and the staff of MRI Kannapolis have specialized in
>recruiting information technology, telecommunications, and related
>staff since 1984. If want to comment on this newsletter, contact him
>at mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>FOR RELATED LINKS -- Click here for Network World's home page:
>Got a technical question related to your corporate network? Post it at
>Experts Exchange on Fusion at http://nwfusion.experts-exchange.com/.
>Another network professional may have the solution to your problem.
>Salary Calculator, Network World Fusion, 07/00
>Shortchanged by sex, Network World, 07/26/99
>She's the boss, Network World, 07/27/98
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