The answer everyone keeps giving you is no.

Mark Odette II wrote:

>OK, For some reason, my first time of sending this reply got chopped, so
>here it is again.
>Brian, et al.,
>Please Note the following:
>***All I wanted to know was: Can the Loopback Interface be used to host a
>complete subnet (and the Router make routing decisions with this inteface),
>or is its functionality such that it will always respond like an interface
>configured with a mask, and 86 traffic not destined for IT
>on the same subnet??
>I'm not looking for someone to help me make a completely working config for
>all routers in this implementation.
>The idea is to do such:
>!Interface FastEthernet0
>!      description Connected to PIX Outside Interface, and PIX Inside Interface
>is subnet for Data traffic.
>!      Ip adress x.x.x.x 255.255.255.x
>!Interface Loopback0
>!      description VoIP subnet with VoIP originating/terminating on this
>Router... other hosts also placed on the same subnet at a later date, and
>connecting via the Ethernet Port which connects to a switch that the other
>hosts are also plugging into.
>!      Ip address
>!Interface Serial0
>!      Encap Frame-Relay
>!Interface Serial0.1
>!      description Connected to the Internet
>!      Ip address x.x.x.x x.x.x.252
>!      interface-dlci 16
>!Interface Serial0.100
>!      description Connected to HQ over PVT FR for Voice traffic
>!      ip unnumbered loopback0
>!      interface-dlci 100
>!      {insert Map-Class Tag here}
>!{Insert Route-Maps Here}
>!{Insert Voice configuration here... a.k.a. Dial Peers}
>!{Insert QoS config here... a.k.a. Map Classes}
>!Router EIGRP 1750
>!Network >>Brian
>""Mark Odette II""  wrote in message
>>OK, I'll make the question simpler.
>>Can you use a loopback interface in the same respect that you would use an
>>ethernet interface?
>>Create the loopback:  Interface Loopback0
>>Assign it an IP with a /24 mask : ip address
>>Configure the subnet assigned to the loopback interface to a routing
>>process, such as EIGRP or RIP.
>>Assign many other hosts on a LAN or a WAN an IP address that is in the
>>subnet as the loopback interface.
>>Replicate the above configuration on Router at other end of FR network.
>>add subnet assigned to far-end routers' loopback interface to local EIGRP
>>AS, or RIP; do the same on the far-end routers' config for the same EIGRP
>>or RIP configuration.
>>And then, configure FR Subinterface with IP Unnumbered Loopback0, and
>>traffic across the FR network, with the traffic orininating from either
>>Router, or another host (if configuration above is legal) on the subnet
>>is assigned to the Loopback interface.
>>What I want to do, is configure a VoIP enabled router with a loopback
>>interface assigned to, and several LAN hosts with the same
>>subnet assignment, i.e.,, .3, .4, etc., and a /24 subnet mask
>>for all hosts including loopback interface.
>>I then want to create and assign IP Unnumbered loopbackX to a FR P-to-P
>>Create EIGRP AS to route Subnets assigned to loopback interfaces on each
>>respective router.
>>Mirror image this configuration on the other end of the "wire" (FR
>>Configure Dial-Peers with VOIP destinations pointing to the loopback
>>interface of the peer router (other end of the FR Network).
>>Is this Possible??
>>The reason why I want to use Loopback interfaces, is because I plan to
>>assign a separate subnet to the FastEthernet Interface, and don't believe
>>that the use of the Secondary command will work, i.e., you can't specify
>>Unnumbered FastEthernet0 and have the Secondary IP address used.... ip
>>unnumbered fastethernet0 will use the FastEthernets' Primary address,
>>is not desired.
>>The Primary Subnet assigned to the FastEthernet Interface will be NAT
>>Translating with a PIX FW (PIX will be doing the NAT) to hit the Internet.
>>For Topology description:
>>Router HQ  connects to internet on one subinterface, while connecting to 3
>>remote offices on a private FR network on a second subinterface.
>>Router Remote1 Will be connecting to the internet on one subinterface,
>>connecting back to HQ on separate FR subinterface for VoIP over FR traffic
>>only (no Data traffic)
>>Router Remote2 will be doing the same as Remote1
>>Router Remote3 will also be doing the same as Remote1
>>... So much for a simpler reply. :)
>>Thanks in advance for everyones' comments.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
>>Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 11:44 PM
>>Subject: Re: Loopback Interfaces... [7:37933]
>>What in the world is the question about, what are you trying to do.
>> Ping the remote routers, they have a serial
>>interface that you can ping, or the ethernet.  Why do you need a
>>loopback, what routing protocol are you
>>running, where is a config?  We can't figure out what you are talking
>>about, we need your help to help you.
>>Brian Lodwick wrote:
>>>This has got to be the most confusing message I have ever read.
>>>A loopback interface is just a virtual interface. It's not a real
>>>it's just a virtual interface you can create within the router, and you
>>>create as many as you want.
>>>The biggest reason someone would want to use a loopback interface would
>>>for resiliency. If you build a certain session to the loopback interface
>>>(BGP, DLSW...) and you have more than one path to reach this router the
>>>session will not die if a certain interface dies.
>>>                    ___________ (                 )
>>>------- r1  >>Brian
>>>""Mark Odette II""  wrote in message
>>>>Just when I  thought I understood Loopback interfaces, I decided while
>>>>redesigning a network, that I would use them.... but now I'm questioning
>>>>Somebody clear the confusion for me- Please.
>>>>This is what I'm wanting to do, but not sure if this is proper
>>>>much less whether or not it will work:
>>>>RouterHQ connecting to 3 Remote Routers (branch offices) via FR Pvt
>>>>RouterHQ has 2 Ethernet Interfaces, but the Remotes Do NOT....They only
>>>>(I think without pause: "No Problem, I can just create a Loopback
>>>>to take care of the other subnet.")
>>>>The FR Pvt Network is only for Voice Traffic, while all data traffice
>>>>be going out another interface that is using IP UnNumbered Interface
>>>>Here is where my quandry lays.  I can't create a Secondary address, as I
>>>>believe the IP UnNumbered command will use the primary address on the
>>>>Ethernet Interface.
>>>>So, can I create a Loopback interface, and treate it like a Ethernet
>>>>interface, as such that I can assign an IP to the Loopback interface,
>>>>have a /24 mask, and other devices on the local network can also be
>>>>for the same subnet as the Loopback, making it where I can give the
>>>>IP UnNumbered Lo0 to a Serial SubInterface??
>>>>I thought I could, but then got concerned when I hopped on CCO, and did
>>>>lookup on Loopback interfaces, and read a blurb about traffic NOT
>>>>for the LoopBack Interface itself will be routed to 'ye old trashcan'
>>>>Null Interface.
>>>>Somebody please tell me that I can send traffic from one end of the
>>>>to the other and have it destined for a node OTHER than the Loopback
>>>>Interface with that node being on the same subnet as the Loopback

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