Title: NetWare 5.0 was RE: frame relay newbie question

Yes, you are correct.  I am working on a large project for a county school system and they are currently upgrading all of their servers to NetWare 5.0  The funny part is that at first we were using IP/IPX in compatibility mode and then were going to phase out the IPX.  But it was so slow that it was impossible to administer with all of the SAP's and what not still crossing the WAN.  They ended up upgrading the WAN and not using compatibility mode and just using all of the SAP's for communication.  I'm not sure if after all of the boxes are upgraded to 5 if they will still use IPX or migrate to IP.  Novell has a ways to go in the IP world.  So, yes, still expect IPX/SPX to be out there for a while.


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Holland
To: Chuck Larrieu; Dan West; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 5/30/00 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: frame relay newbie question

I wouldn't look to see IPX/SPX dissappearing anytime soon, It'll take a
of time and money for a company or organization to convert their IPX
to IP, for example.  (If I remember correctly Netware 5.0 and beyond
and will USE IP from now on, phasing IPX out, am I correct?)

Richard Holland

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Larrieu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 8:11 AM
Subject: RE: frame relay newbie question

Is it common/practical to run IP and IPX over the same
frame relay subinterface?

CL: Yes. Why not? ( he asked rhetorically, meaning he does not expect
to answer )

I am only asking because in Lammle's CCNA prep book it
is mentioned that one of the advantages of
subinterfaces is that you can run IP on one and IPX on
another. BUT, the example directly following that
statement shows IP and IPX running on the same

CL: the lab is still down so I can't do a quick and dirty here. if we
running ip and ipx to the same location on different subinterfaces would
need two pvc's? can one configure the same dlci on two different
subinterfaces if the other side is the same? pvc's cost money, normally.
why would one add expense for this sole reason? Cain't tell ya! but your
question brings to mind a lab to try.

More importantly, is IPX even going to be an issue
much longer?

CL: one can hope not, but then again, AppleTalk and Token ring are still
around :->


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