Reminds me of a funny story about this..
I was new to Cisco eq, and switches in general. I searched and searched to
find out why this was
Happening to me. Finally found the answer of port fast. Was I happy ...until
the next morning when
The config was blank and problem was back. I put the port fast back in and
all was well until the next morning.
Same thing kept happening for 2 weeks. I was going nuts trying to figure out
what was going on until someone
Was kind enough to tell me about the mysterious command " write memory ".
That fixed the problem for a week or
So until one morning I get a call that nobody can log in again. I go to
telnet into the switch and I cant reach it. Hmmmmm.
Quick walk to the maintenance cage revealed the answer. You see this was a
new enclosure that didn't have power directly to it yet,
So an extension cord was run to power the 2924's. Turns out that were we
plugged into was the location that the night maintenance man
Also happened to plug he coffee maker into. Seems he forgot to plug it back
in when he left for the night and the cabinet was dead.
Since the Building Manager AND the Maintenance Manager all happened to be
connected to those switches power was ran that afternoon 
Like I had originally requested. I bought the night guy a thing of coffee
for the assistance!



-----Original Message-----
From: Cebuano [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 7:21 AM
Subject: Re: Cat 2950-24 [7:37374]

You don't disable STP on the port to the PC because
STP is only run between Layer2 devices.
I believe you are referring to PortFast.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 2:34 AM
Subject: Re: Cat 2950-24 [7:37374]

> If you connect a computer to a switch port, it takes spanning tree a 
> bit
> allow traffic to pass.  If this is an individual host being connected, 
> you could try disabling spanning tree on the port..
>     Bri
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ismail Al-Shelh"
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 10:44 PM
> Subject: Cat 2950-24 [7:37374]
> > Dear all
> > We have Pc with 3Com 3c90x-Tx 10/100 Network Card.  This PC is 
> > installed with Dos 6.22 Operating System.  We used to connect this 
> > to our 3com Switch1100 with the dos driver provided by 3Com.  The 
> > sequence of
> > the 3com driver to connect to 3com Switch1100 is as follows: LSL.COM
> > 3C90X.EXE
> > F:
> > This is in a batch file and when we run the batch file it will connect
> > immediately.
> > The problem I am facing while connect to CISCO CATALYST 2950-24 port is
> that
> > If I am
> > running the same batch file it will not connect.
> > I have to load the LSL.COM first and port on switch to which this
> > is connected will be in Green color. But When
> > I will load 3c90x.exe immediately the port on the switch color 
> > becomes amber. I have to wait for 1 to 1.5 minutes for the port 
> > color to become green and after that if load IPXODI.COM and NETX.EXE 
> > then it will connect. I can see this because I am sitting in front 
> > of the Cisco Switch.  In
> actual
> > the end user will  run the batch file sitting somewhere in his room 
> > and
> > will get a message "Novell Netware Server not
> > Found".
> > Why this delay in connecting to Novell Netware through Cisco Switch.
> > same
> > delay is not happening while we are connecting to 3Com Switch. We 
> > need you help and guidance to sort out this problem. Ismail Al-shelh
> >
> > [ removed an attachment of type application/ms-tnef]

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