I would use another TFTP program. I started off using the Cisco TFTP server
and then started running into large problems when upgrading 3660's. Timeouts
and errors etc. I changed to use pumpkin (freeware) and things have never
been better. The same copy that failed previously works great done exactly
the same way. 

Let us know how it goes


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 11 March 2003 05:02
Subject: TFTP to Flash or PCMCIA problem - no problem on the opposite

There is an error message on the CiscoTFTP server when trying to copy the
IOS from the server to a 3640 router.  There is no problem in the opposite
way (from the router to the TFTP server).

I tryed different PCs and different IOS versions.

The same problem happens copying from TFTP server to PCMCIA.

The error message in the TFTP server is "Failed (Synchronization error)"

I followed the instruction at

Any Thoughts?

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