On Tue, Jul 25, 2000 at 10:44:38AM -0400, Howard C. Berkowitz wrote:
> Aside from personal curiosity and planning the next BGP paper for 
> CertZone, I have the ulterior motive of writing a proposal for an 
> Internet Routing book, that is more operational-environment, less 
> configuration and protocol mechanics oriented than the books out 
> there now. It would also be multivendor (Cisco, gated/rsd, Bay RS, 
> JunOS). I'm trying to figure out if these are problems I should write 
> a book to solve.

What about adding zebra if you speak of gated ?


titan-bgp# sh ver
Zebra 0.87 (i386--freebsd4.1).
Copyright 1996-2000, Kunihiro Ishiguro.
titan-bgp# sh ip bgp
   Network            Next Hop         Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>                         32768 i
*>                         32768 i

Total number of prefixes 2

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