
Is there anyone out there tell me exactly what the http fixup functionality 
on a Pix (6.1) fixes up. I cant find anything on CCO that describes what 
exactly it is in http that the PIX believes needs to be fixed up.

I am experiencing an issue where certain web sites (particularly certain 
b2b type sites that require authentication of the client using 
certificates)cannot be accessed from behind a pix but can from in front of 
the PIX. I do know that the users have had problems in the past with using 
proxy servers.

The only thing that is occuring to me right now is that perhaps the fixup 
protocol is doing something wierd. Does anybody know if the fixup is likely 
to be causing the problem and if I am likely to mess anything up by turning 
it off.


        CISSP, CSS1, CC[NID]P, etc

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