I have a problem trying to tftp router configs through a cluster-pair of
checkpoint-nokia firewalls.  I can Telnet from the inside to the router
outside the firewall but get a firewall error message when attempt to tftp
the config back through the firewall.  This all worked fine on Checkpoint
firewall-1 running on NT, but doesn't work using Nokia boxes.  

external side:
tftp client (router) connected to external lan
external lan is vlan-X across two Cisco Cat switches
two firewalls with a connection to this external lan (fw1 on sw1 and fw2 on

internal side:
tftp server (unix) connected to internal lan
internal lan is vlan-Y across same two Cisco Cat switches
same two firewalls with a connection to this internal lan (fw1 on sw1 and
fw2 on sw2)

a direct x-over cable between the firewall synch interfaces     

Tftp Client router attempts to tftp its configuration to the TFTP Host
The Tftp Client Router sees the Tftp Host as an "external address" with the
Checkpoint Firewalls translating this "external address" to the real
internal address.
This fails with the firewall logging the message "Connection contains real
ip of NATed address"

Checkpoint Knowledge Base Article SK14613 below seems to describe, but not
quite as we have each firewall connected to a different switch for

Have raised a fault with Checkpoint but not holding my breath.  Any


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