hi all,

firstly i've read the threads about monlib etc, i tend to make it
standard practice to format the flash card in whatever chassis it is
currently in before use, however in this case, i cant even format the
flash cards. we are talking about genuine sandisk 1GB which seem to
work ok elsewhere but in the 6500 & 7600 SUP720-3BXL based platforms
everything appears fine until you go to format the card and then you
get this

Router#format disk1:

Format operation may take a while. Continue? [confirm]

Format operation will destroy all data in "disk1:".  Continue? [confirm]

%Error formatting disk1 (Format failure - Drive Communication)

and then the CF card promptly disappears

Router#dir disk1:

%Error opening disk1:/ (No such device)

Router#sh plat hard cap | i disk

         1  SP  disk0:                       128151552      78741504       61%

i have tried formatting these CF cards on other routers eg 7301, 1841,
bring them over to the SUP720, they look fine, but the moment you go
to re-format - splat.

i have tried formatting these CF cards on a PC using a CF card reader,
again they look fine, but again splat.

now, what is REALLY wierd

i format these CF card on a Canon EOS 400D digital SLR and they work
just fine in the SUP720

Router#sh disk1:

-#- --length-- -----date/time------ path

1            0 Sep 02 2008 15:43:54 DCIM

2            0 Sep 02 2008 15:43:54 DCIM/217CANON

260796416 bytes available (8192 bytes used)

Router#dir disk1:/DCIM/217CANON/

Directory of disk1:/DCIM/217CANON/

No files in directory

260804608 bytes total (260796416 bytes free)

Router#format disk1:

Format operation may take a while. Continue? [confirm]

Format operation will destroy all data in "disk1:".  Continue? [confirm]

Format: Drive communication & 1st Sector Write OK...

Writing Monlib sectors.

Monlib Version        = 2        (0.2)


Monlib write complete


Format: All system sectors written. OK...

Format: Total sectors in formatted partition: 510281

Format: Total bytes in formatted partition: 261263872

Format: Operation completed successfully.

Format of disk1 complete

very confused...
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