Thanks Lan for the response.
I have set authentication host-mode multi-domain . This time, IP
Phone authenticates but the PC on the other hand does not prompt me for
username and password at all. Here is my configuration on the fastEthernet
interface FastEthernet0/10
switchport access vlan 6
On 15/07/2011, at 3:05 AM, pamela pomary wrote:
> I want to be able to authenticate the IP Phone via MAC address by-pass and
> authenticate the PC that connects to the LAN port of the IP Phone via dot1x
> using authentication host-mode multi-auth. How can I achieve that.
Use 'host-mode multi-dom
I have an ip phone that DOES NOT SUPPORT DOT1X
I have a radius server using freeradius on Linux machine
I am able to authenticate the ip phone via mab
Here are my configuration on the fastEthernet port on Cisco Catalyst 2960
switch and users file in freeradius respectively
switchport acce