On Mon, Jun 18, 2007 at 10:15:02AM +0100, Phil Mayers wrote:
> Mark Zipp wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm wondering if anybody has an update or any fresher opinions on the
> > the following thread, regarding having to try to synchronise MST VLAN
> > additions/removes on multiple devices at once to try to avoid
> > impacting traffic forwarding for existing VLANs. We're about to face
> > the same problem, and I'm wondering if Steinar Haug's advice to use
> > Rapid PVST is still valid. I'd expect we'd be running 50 to 100 VLANs
> We use it for many more vlans than that with no problems. We use it in 
> preference to MST for that reason and others: including the fact that 
> the ciscos can only run one MST "process" so your MST cloud has to 
> propagate across your entire network if you are running a collapsed 
> core+distribution layer (as we are).
> I am frankly unimpressed with MST

Anyone has info regarding the "pre-standard" MST implementation of
cisco? I've juste deployed a mixed 12.1.22 (cat2950) and 1.2.35SE
(cat2960g) and "spanning-tree mst pre-standard" seemed necessary
on the 2960g ports towards the 2950's.

What's the difference between cisco pre-standard implementation and
the standardized one?


Philippe Strauss
av. de Beaulieu 25
1004 Lausanne
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