I played my concert for the English Music Festival, in a small church in
a small village called Sutton Courteney, quite close to Oxford. The
weather was terrible, and many of the roads were flooded. Despite that,
about 40 people turned up to hear a concert dedicated to the 'English
Guitar'. I played the only repertoire I know - Oswald, Bremner and some
Scottish manuscripts - and there were questions afterwards as to why I
didn't play English music, considering it was an English music festival.
Well, it is hard to put a programme together of concert pieces by
English composers for the English Guitar. So much of it was by Scots,
Italians and Germans. I gave a little speech stressing the point that we
are in the early stages of examining the instrument and its repertoire,
and hopefully someone will try to resurrect an English repertoire in the
not too distant future. I play Scots music because that is what lay
around me. I found six manuscripts for the instrument, all Scottish, all
containing Scottish music. I'm convinced there must be a huge amount of
English manuscripts waiting to be found. Anyway, I feel I've done my
bit. I'm more proud of my Oswald recording than any of my other
recordings. I feel he wrote superbly well for the instrument, always
staying within its limitations, unlike other 'more advanced' composers.
I wish more people would play the instrument rather than argue about it.
As for whether it was English, Scots, German, Italian or
Portuguese...over to you, my friends. 

Robert Charles John MacShannon Rennie Phillips MacKillop (more names
than the English Guitar!)


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