On 04/05/2010 04:48 PM, Renato Botelho wrote:
> I used --threads=1 and that problem was fixed


>, now I got a core dumped:
> make  check-TESTS
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> FAIL: check_clamav
> PASS: check_freshclam.sh
> PASS: check_sigtool.sh
> SKIP: check_unit_vg.sh
> PASS: check1_clamscan.sh
> PASS: check2_clamd.sh
> PASS: check3_clamd.sh
> PASS: check4_clamd.sh
> SKIP: check5_clamd_vg.sh
> SKIP: check6_clamd_vg.sh
> SKIP: check7_clamd_hg.sh
> SKIP: check8_clamd_hg.sh
> ========================================
> 1 of 7 tests failed
> (5 tests were not run)
> See unit_tests/test-suite.log

Can you pastebin the test-suite.log? (or upload it somewhere compressed).

Likely its the -lthr vs -pthread mismatch in ClamAV vs libcheck.so ...
for which I think we haven't figured a solution yet.
Maybe you could build libcheck as part of the ClamAV build, and use
--with-libcheck-prefix in ClamAV to pick up that libcheck. You wouldn't
install this libcheck, just use it during ClamAV's make check.

Alternatively you can pass --disable-check on FreeBSD 6, and then
check_clamav will be SKIPed.

Best regards,
Please submit your patches to our Bugzilla: http://bugs.clamav.net

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