Hi David

Thank you for the reply

On 10.12.2012 17:03, David Raynor wrote:
So let's try the easiest one first: how big is the file? If you have raised
* The quarantined email is 21'503'810 Bytes.
* The attached Zip File is 15'916'684 Bytes
* and the extracted .pptx is 22'415'087 Bytes in size.

it past the filescan max size, then default installations will skip it and
report OK.
Good Shot! We have other settings as we allow emails up to 100'000'000 Bytes.

Also, can you tell me what your clamscan settings or clamd.conf file
settings are?
Here the clamd.conf Settings which we have set

LogSyslog yes
LogFacility LOG_MAIL
LogVerbose yes
PidFile /var/run/amavis/clamd.pid
TemporaryDirectory /var/tmp
LocalSocket /var/run/amavis/clamd.sock
LocalSocketGroup amavis
LocalSocketMode 660
FixStaleSocket yes
StreamMaxLength 250M
MaxThreads 15
ReadTimeout 600
MaxQueue 50
SelfCheck 600
User amavis
ScanPE yes
ScanELF yes
ScanOLE2 yes
ScanPDF yes
ScanMail yes
ScanPartialMessages no
PhishingSignatures yes
PhishingAlwaysBlockSSLMismatch no
PhishingAlwaysBlockCloak no
ScanHTML yes
ScanArchive yes
ArchiveBlockEncrypted no
MaxScanSize 100M
MaxFileSize 30M
MaxRecursion 8
MaxFiles 15000
Bytecode yes
BytecodeSecurity TrustSigned
BytecodeTimeout 60000

Best regards
Matthias Egger
ETH Zurich
Department of Information Technology          maeg...@ee.ethz.ch
and Electrical Engineering
IT Support Group (ISG.EE), ETL/F/24.1         Phone +41 (0)44 632 03 90
Physikstrasse 3, CH-8092 Zurich               Fax   +41 (0)44 632 11 95
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