
We are a team from Microsoft Azure running ClamAV on small Linux VMs, and due 
to business and cost reasons we cannot use larger VMs. Peak memory usage of 
ClamAV is between 1.2GB and 1.5GB, which is unsustainable on our VMs, and we 
are looking for ways to reduce this. There are some tips to reduce memory usage 
in the Docker section of the documentation (Docker - ClamAV 
 although if I understand correctly the 1.2GB load is unavoidable even with the 
suggestions listed on this page.

We have been told that one possibility is to remove all virus signatures that 
are Windows-specific, which would reduce the memory footprint to about 300 MB. 
Elsewhere on the ClamAV FAQ I see a few different ways to add signatures to the 
database but none about taking a subset. Would this be something you support or 
 recommend for our use case? If not, are there alternatives we can consider to 
reduce the memory footprint of ClamAV well below 1.2GB?

Thank you,

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