I'm trying to install ClamAV on my Fedora Core 1 server.  I used yum to
install from the FC repository.  It installed version 0.65.  I noticed that
on the clamav site that the current release is 0.67 and I found reference to
Petr Kristof's repository (crash.fce.vutbr.cz) and I added that to my

When I try to upgrade (yum upgrade clamav) I am get the following three

Errors reported doing trial run
file /usr/lib/libclamav.so.1.0.3 from install of clamav-0.67-1 conflicts
with file from package clamav-lib-0.65-0.fdr.5.1
file /var/lib/clamav/daily.cvd from install of clamav-0.67-1 conflicts with
file from package clamav-data-0.65-0.fdr.5.1
file /var/lib/clamav/main.cvd from install of clamav-0.67-1 conflicts with
file from package clamav-data-0.65-0.fdr.5.1

I uninstalled clamav (yum remove clamav) and made sure all these files were
gone but still got the errors.  I ran yum clean and deleted the clamav
headers from the cache, I deleted and rebuilt my rpm database and I still
these errors.

Am I just being stupid or what?


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