G.W. Haywood wrote:
> Hi there,
> Some time ago somebody wrote, and somebody else replied:
>>>>> Why not just run freshclam as a daemon?
>>>> Then you really need to have a daemon watcher to keep it going.
> Talk of freshclam dying gives me some discomfort, yet in almost two
> years running freshclam as a daemon on two - not particularly busy -
> servers I've never seen it fail.  It uses around a megabyte of memory
> on a machine with 2G of RAM and, doing hourly updates, it takes maybe
> three seconds of CPU per month on a 1GHz twin-processor Pentium box.
> Naturally if freshclam dies we can expect people to mention it.  I'm
> calling for those who run freshclam as a daemon and who don't see any
> problems with it to chip into this thread.  How many of us are there?

Here's my 2 cents worth...

SuSE Linux 10.1 (Intel, 32 bit).
Latest freshclam and clamav.
Both running as daemon at all times.
Low volume site (maybe 100 mails/day, 5 users)
Not a single problem, ever, although we've been
running it for a few months only. We're using monit
(and nagios) to monitor our (vital) processes,
and we haven't had a single failure.


> Here are the non-comment line in my config in case it has a bearing:
> DatabaseDirectory /var/lib/clamav
> UpdateLogFile /tmp/.clam/freshclam.log
> LogVerbose
> LogSyslog
> PidFile /var/run/clam/freshclam.pid
> DNSDatabaseInfo current.cvd.clamav.net
> DatabaseMirror db.uk.clamav.net
> DatabaseMirror database.clamav.net
> MaxAttempts 5
> Checks 24
> Here's how I start it:
> /usr/local/bin/freshclam -d --daemon-notify=/etc/mail/clamav/clamd.conf
> Does anyone have any clues to the reasons behind freshclam's apparent
> unreliability under some circumstances?  Bad DB servers?  Mail load?
> Swap?  Locking?  Conflict with other processes?  OS?  Libraries?  ...
> --
> 73,
> Ged.
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