This is my first posting to this group, although I've been on this list for 
close to two years and have had nothing but success with Clamav and all 
the "interesting" features it has to offer.

I am very curious to know why anybody wants to help someone that has such an 
adversarial attitude towards them.  I understand that support is support and 
should help people when they are able to, but not everybody's attitude 
warrants that "extra mile" of help.

Baz, keep paying those big bucks and remain a Windows-weenie.  It does 
not appear to me as though you will ever get an answer that makes you happy 
until you have someone hold your hand throughout the entire process.

Linux requires a knowlege of the O/S AND the distro - please learn some of the 
basics of both before you junp down others' throats when they (very 
patiently) try to help you.  These people have spent much more than the month 
or so that you have put in to learn Linux.  Please show them the respect they 
deserve, ESPECIALLY when they are offering you their assistance on a Sunday 

Hopefully my next posting will not be in regards to some spoiled, arrogant 
pussy that expects other people to do all his work and thinking for him.

On Sunday 23 December 2007 08:35:00 pm Rick Macdougall wrote:
> Baz wrote:
> > Or this
> > # clamscan -r /
> >
> > Dave, keep that smug attitude going.  It only helps M$.  Thank God I
> > still have XP on another partition.
> Leave the troll alone guys.  It's not going any where.
> Regards,
> Rick
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