Hello clamav-users,

          first sorry for my poor english :), well,
          I have FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE, clamav 0.81 stable and sendmail
          8.13.3, clamd starts with local socket, clamav-milter starts over
          it with inet:3311 socket, then I configure sendmails (8.12.11,
          after I tried with 8.13.3) on other computers (under Linux
          2.2.25). About 40 minuts or an hour it works great, but then in
          "maillog", after almost each scanning mail, appear messages:
Jan 28 16:55:21 s-core sendmail[26457]: j0SEtE90026457:
milter_read(clamav): cmd read returned 0, expecting 5
Jan 28 16:55:21 s-core sendmail[26457]: j0SEtE90026457: Milter
(clamav): to error state
Jan 28 16:55:21 s-core sendmail[26457]: j0SEtE90026457: Milter
(clamav): init failed to open
Jan 28 16:55:21 s-core sendmail[26457]: j0SEtE90026457: Milter
(clamav): to error state

          and in "messages" file on clamd's computer (freebsd) I have:

clamav-milter: accept() returned invalid socket (Result too large),
try again later

          message, so, what goes wrong? and how it can be fixed?  

Best regards,
 Hazard                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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