Since I was looking for a way to split my mailbox (mailbox format) in maildir format, I looked around. I installed Sylpheed-claws since I read in the doc that it handles both formats. After the install I opened it and in the menus I choose to import mail from a mbox type mailbox i.e. the Inbox of one of my accounts (in fact a copy of it. This file is normally in my thunderbird directory (good idea because the transfert emptied it)). To my surprise I got back a all bunch of junk mail (that I didn't even open at the time I received it) and old stuffs that I deleted long ago (weird!! :-\ ) but I got all the message seperated from each other in individual files. Just as I expected it. In claws, in the list they are displayed with their attached documents. I open a safe one and it showed up the attached document just fine. So AVIS AUX AMATEURS 8-) ! Then I ran clamscan (with the debug option ) on the Mail directory created by Sylpheed-claws hoping to get the number of the infected message.
Clamscan did not find any trace of infection !!!!!!! :-(
Can someone tell me what has gone wrong there ? Was there really a infection in the first place ? Or could Sylpheed-claws have just gotten rid of it ?
To sleep well I will need to understand this one.


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