Hello Ian,

[Sorry, for sending a blank mail, but emacs' key sequence for sending
mail (C-c C-c) is really bad chosen...]

On May 10, Ian D. Stewart wrote:
> Rather, it is one of system resources.  Using the "en mass" method, the
> compiler attempts to compile all the classes of the classpath library at
> once, and doesn't stop until it is done, or until it consumes enough
> memory to degrade the systems performance enough to require a cold boot
> (normally the latter)
> On a relatively modern system, this is probably not much of an issue. 
> However, as I mentioned in passing in my previous e-mail, I am running
> an older system.  Specifically:
> Processor: 75MHz Pentium
> Memory: 16 MB Physical; 64 MB swap
> Hard Drive: 1.2 GB WD Caviar w/ ~150 MB free

Do you specify the correct heap size to javac (-J-mx12M)?  You should
make the heap a bit smaller than physical memory size, or the garbage
collection won't run early enough and performance will hurt.  12 MB is
a guess, you may try using a bit more.  My experience is that if java
starts swapping you can kill it immediately, since it gets damn slow.
Also if swap gets exhausted linux starts killing random apps, but that
is another problem often discussed on linux-kernel.

If you get an OutOfMemoryError, you are right, you can't compile
everything at once.  But have you tried jikes?  I don't know its
memory usage, but its speed is really great.

  Jochen  [glad owner of 128 MB physical RAM]

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