> > Has anyone tried to use classpath with the Jikes RVM?
> Wish they would add a search facility to these archives...
> http://mail.gnu.org/pipermail/classpath/2002-March/002127.html
> IBM fixed the RVM to place the required functionality into an API that
> John was going to "port" his work to and at some point then we'd sort
> out how to wedge this into Classpath's CVS tree.  I'm not sure where
> he's at with this.

I was on the verge of making a contribution to IBM with patches which would allow JRVM 
2.10 to work with Classpath, but only using the "baseline" compiler.

I almost got the Optimising compiler to work (actually had it running at some stage), 
but then got bogged down with problems using the jikes java compiler.

What I plan to do in the next few days is to review my changes to allow the baseline 
compiler to work, and submit that to IBM.

Sean, if you're in a hurry to play with JRVM + Classpath, let me know and I'll send 
you the necessary patches.

John Leuner

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