Problems when running autoconf

2003-09-04 Thread Markus Niemistö
Hi I just checked out the latest code from CVS. When I try to run autoconf it complains about errors and does not produce a working configure script. I am using FreeBSD as my os. log: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/programming> cvs -z9 -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/classpath co classpath . . . [EMA

Re: Kissme and Classpath CVS

2003-09-04 Thread John Leuner
I've been burned by this mistake before. To configure kissme I had: ./configure --with-gnu-classpath-install-dir=xxx but configure ignores an unsupported option, the real option is: ./configure --with-classpath-install-dir=xxx Because I had classpath 0.06 installed in /usr/lib/classpath etc it