On Sun, Sep 12, 1999 at 11:13:37PM -0700, John Keiser wrote:
> OK, here it is in writing: I am absolutely serious, "org.gnu" takes more
> energy than "gnu".  But it's not about typing energy, it's about thinking
> energy, the minimization of which is (IMO) one of the principal factors in
> designing maintainable and reusable code, *especially* libraries.  Having
> standards can reduce mental energy as well, but this particular standard has
> not helped me personally and does actually clash with my mental model of the
> use of libraries.  (This is definitely a personal opinion thing.)

In my opinion gnu. _increases_ thinking energy involved. For most
packages in the world, I can apply the simple algorithm 'reverse the
domain name', but because the gnu people feel they are `special', I
have to remember GNU as an exception to the rule and treat it
specially. A waste of my time, and everybody else's time.

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