On Mon, 2006-12-11 at 12:55 -0700, Tom Tromey wrote:
> >>>>> "Andrew" == Andrew John Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Andrew> HEAD is now generics ready.  Please test and let me know
> Andrew> about anything that broke ASAP.  We're open for business again,
> Andrew> so, as Mark says, 'please go nuts!'
> Thanks for doing these merges, and for all your work keeping the
> generics branch up-to-date these past two years.  I believe when I
> started I had the naive idea that we wouldn't need to update the
> branch... and now I'm especially happy you stepped in to handle this
> :-)

My thanks to both yourself and others for your kind comments on this.
> For Classpath hackers in general: on the generics branch we stuck to a
> "shallow" genericization, limited more or less to what Japi would see.
> I think it would be appropriate now to start on deeper work, i.e.,
> moving the use of generics into the bodies of methods and not just on
> method signatures.

I agree wholeheartedly.  As Tom mentions, the level of generics was
deliberately kept shallow on the branch as we knew that we would need to
merge in a lot of code from the main development branch.  Now, however,
it should be possible to take advantage of, for example, collections
with type parameters (which may catch a few bugs, hopefully...)  This is
more important for new code, where you can take advantage of features
like this along with autoboxing and for..each loops in your day to day

> Tom

Andrew :-)

Escape the Java Trap with GNU Classpath!
public class gcj extends Freedom implements Java { ... }

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