Paul Fisher writes:
 > Kimberley Burchett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 > > - What is the point of the peer architecture? 

 > It's easier to port that way.  The peers provide the native layer, and
 > the non-peers provide the Java layer.
 > Our peers are a drop in replacement for Sun's Motif peers, so we test
 > our peers using `normal' AWT code.

Far out question: could the (GTK-based?) AWT peers in 
Classpath be replaced with an OpenGL based solution? 
That is, interaction with the OS/windowing environment
(events, visual, canvas) would be at GLUT/GLX/WGL level,
but all the drawing would be using OpenGL, all widgets
would be mapped to OpenGL primitives. Is that feasible?
Does GTK support OpenGL already? How portable is GTK
itself (going to dig a bit on their pages today)?


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