>Another question: Do you 'only' implement the CORBA framework? Or do you work on a complete CORBA implementation?

We work on the complete CORBA implementation.

> If the latter, how far is it?

The CORBA part, supported by Sun's JDK API 1.3, should work and, if needed, talk with another CORBA, running on Suns virtual machine up till JDK 1.4 inclusive.

>Maybe you have some testapps for showing what already works?

There are examples in the folder examples/CORBA/SimpleCommunication. These include a CORBA server and CORBA client. Client invokes remote methods of the object, located on the server side. The parameters are passed and returned. The exceptions, thrown by remote method, are re-thrown on a client side.

As the example must be simple to install, the Demo.java starts both client and server threads on the same virtual machine. However it is possible to start the server (executable class comServer) on one virtual machine and client (executable classes DirectTest, RequestTest) on another virtual machine, using another CORBA implementation. Hence it is simple to test interoperability with Suns JDK 1.4 and be sure in correct understanding of the OMG specifications.

We also already have CORBA naming (CosNaming) service that returns the object address in response to the object name. The example in examples/CORBA/NamingService shows how to use it. Our implementation is also talking rather friendly with the Suns jdk 1.4 naming services, both transient and persistent.

Also, there are numerous CORBA tests in the Mauve, including the third party tests from the former cost.omg.org project (Free CORBA testing). In these tests, server and client also starts on the same virtual machine. However I always verify the functionality starting one side on Suns and another on ours CORBA implementation.

The more detailed summary of the implemented features is placed on the NEWS file on the CVS.


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