I only got it to half work. Using elpa, have done the same as
others. Using mvn w/clojure plugin to do "mvn clojure:swank";
changed to use swank 1.2.1.
C-c C-k works fine...
C-c C-c bombs with Java.lang.exception (No such namespace) like so:
0: swank.commands.basic
Hi, any responses?
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Hey Meikel,
Thank you for your suggestions!
I changed the dereferencing and looked at swing-utils in contrib. It
doesn't seem like there's a lot I can use straight, but I did get an
idea to write a function add-component-listener, that I can use.
Who's in charge of swing-utils? I just thought th
1:6 user=> (use '[clojure.set])
1:7 user=> (reduce union #{} #{#{[3 2] [5 4] [3 3] } #{[4 3] [5 4] [3
3] } #{[3 2] [2 2] [3 3] } } )
#{[3 2] [4 3] [5 4] [2 2] [3 3]}
1:8 user=>
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As Steve said, better look at the combinatorics-api.
As for your original code, the idea you have gives all permutations
not combinations! Few changes will make it functioning -
(defn permutations [n coll]
(if (= n 1)
(map #(vector %) coll)
(for [el coll nlis (permutations (- n 1
On 22 May 2010 04:03, Ben Mabey wrote:
> How about merging?
> user=> (merge (Bar. {}) m)
> #:user.Bar{:x 1, :y 2}
> This approach at least doesn't require that you know in advance the keys of
> Bar.
No, you still do:
user=> (defrecord Foo [x y z])
user=> (merge (Foo. {}) m)
No match
Sorry for the duplicate messages.
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user=> (defn foo [_] "foo")
user=> (defprotocol IFoo
(foo [_]))
Warning: protocol #'user/IFoo is overwriting function foo
user=> (extend-protocol IFoo nil (foo [_] "IFoo"))
user=> (foo nil)
user=> (foo 1)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No implementation of metho
user=> (defn foo [_] "foo")
user=> (defprotocol IFoo
(foo [_]))
Warning: protocol #'user/IFoo is overwriting function foo
user=> (extend-protocol IFoo nil (foo [_] "IFoo"))
user=> (foo nil)
user=> (foo 1)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No implementation of meth
(I tried to post this to clojure-dev, but don't have permission to
post messages there)
At a repl the following works:
(defprotocol Base
(foo [o]))
(defprotocol Base)
(defprotocol Base
(foo [o]))
However, a file containing only those three forms, causes the
following when loaded:
loader (ins
2010/5/22 Chris Riddoch :
> I have a rather small patch I'd like to propose for Clojure:
> *read-eval* should default to false, rather than true. Security
> implications? Aside from the 'read' function, are other operations on
> strings safe from unintended evaluation?
> --
> Chris Riddo
On 22 May 2010, at 20:38, Kasim wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I am just asking you guy's input to following:
> (defn- k-filter [el coll]
> (filter #(not (= el %)) coll))
> (defn combinations [n coll]
> (if (= n 0)
>(for [el coll nlis (combinations (- n 1) (k-filter el coll))]
Hi folks,
I am just asking you guy's input to following:
(defn- k-filter [el coll]
(filter #(not (= el %)) coll))
(defn combinations [n coll]
(if (= n 0)
(for [el coll nlis (combinations (- n 1) (k-filter el coll))]
[el nlis])))
It is not working now. Here is an example I
On May 22, 2010, at 10:00 AM, mikel wrote:
> Trying to get from here:
> #{#{[3 2] [5 4] [3 3] } #{[4 3] [5 4] [3 3] } #{[3 2] [2 2] [3 3] } }
> to here:
> #{[3 2] [5 4] [4 3] [2 2] [3 3] }
> that is, combining the set of sets into one set.
(apply clojure.set/union #{#{[3 2] [5 4] [3 3]} #{[4 3]
'into' is one easy way:
(reduce into #{#{[3 2] [5 4] [3 3] } #{[4 3] [5 4] [3 3] } #{[3 2] [2
2] [3 3] } })
=> #{[3 2] [4 3] [5 4] [2 2] [3 3]}
Hi, from a newbie!! Any help appreciated
Trying to get from here:
#{#{[3 2] [5 4] [3 3] } #{[4 3] [5 4] [3 3] } #{[3 2] [2 2] [3 3] } }
to here
Hi, from a newbie!! Any help appreciated
Trying to get from here:
#{#{[3 2] [5 4] [3 3] } #{[4 3] [5 4] [3 3] } #{[3 2] [2 2] [3 3] } }
to here:
#{[3 2] [5 4] [4 3] [2 2] [3 3] }
that is, combining the set of sets into one set.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
I have a rather small patch I'd like to propose for Clojure:
*read-eval* should default to false, rather than true. Security
implications? Aside from the 'read' function, are other operations on
strings safe from unintended evaluation?
Chris Riddoch
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James Reeves wrote:
Hi folks,
I've been experimenting with the new type system in Clojure 1.2, but
I've hit something of a problem. If I define a record:
user=> (defrecord Foo [])
Then I can coerce a map into a type Foo like so:
user=> (def m {:x 1, :y 2})
user=> (Foo. {} m
Good point. I keep falling into the trap of treating types like
classes. Types don't have inline constructors, because normal
functions perform that task well enough. If I want to coerce a map
into a type, I really need just a constructor function, rather than
the type itself.
In this case, someth
19 matches
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