It's not free.
(defn set
"Returns a set of the distinct elements of coll."
{:added "1.0"}
[coll] (clojure.lang.PersistentHashSet/create ^clojure.lang.ISeq
(seq coll)))
It seems to go element by element, irrespective of whether it was
given a hashset.
On Oct 18, 9:43 pm, Phil Hagelberg
I see, thank you for linking to the ticket, Phil that really clarifies
things. I suppose that I would tend more to Chas Emerick's view in
his sept 28 comment (on the ticket), questioning whether there is a
need to validate Keywords (and possibly symbols) stringently. But
I'll take your point that
It looks like the behaviour of some clojure.set functions is either
undefined or possibly erroneous when called with non-set arguments:
user> (clojure.set/union #{:a :b} [:b :c])
#{:a :c :b}
user> (clojure.set/union #{:a} [:b :c])
[:b :c :a]
Seems likely that the behaviour in such cases is just u
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 3:02 PM, Rob Lachlan wrote:
> There seems to be a discrepancy between what keyword names are
> supposed to be allowed, according to the reader documentation, and
> which the reader actually allows. For instance, periods are supposed
> to be disallowed in keyword names, and
I'll be driving down from DC, and probably arriving between 5-6. Just
as a note, I'd highly recommend not being anywhere near DC between
4-8p due to traffic. It could easily add 2 hours to your trip.
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 4:13 PM, Kyle R. Burton wrote:
> Andrew,
> Several of us are car pool
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 4:13 PM, Kyle R. Burton wrote:
> Andrew,
> Several of us are car pooling down from Philly and should be arriving
> some time between 6 and 8pm. I will be hoping to drop off our bags
> and get dinner somewhere and otherwise be social with other
> conferencegoers. Are the
On 18 October 2010 22:05, Kevin Downey wrote:
> clojure works something like reader -> macro expansion -> compiler (eval) ->
> run
> the exception you are seeing means that your macro expansion contains
> a form that the compiler doesn't know how to generate code for. for
> example if your macr
I would like to start a discussion on the best syntax for clojure-clr
generics because in most large pieces of software on CLR you have to
specify types to create generic classes. Heres my proposal.
<> Reader macro expands to the macro g
(AGenericClass. arg1
expands to
So sorry. Now it is working. Don't know why though.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Clojure" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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> Eric Lavigne wrote ..
> > > What's this about an after party?
jealous :(
/me darns this startup life that doesn't permit travel
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Groups "Clojure" group.
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Using the latest 1.3.0-master-SNAPSHOT:
user=> (time (let [a (int 3) b (int 5)] (dotimes [_ 100] (== a b
"Elapsed time: 3.355 msecs"
user=> (time (let [a (int 3) b (int 5)] (dotimes [_ 100] (= a b
"Elapsed time: 3.884 msecs"
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 2:40 PM, Jürgen Hö
No email received but just got one :)))
Luc P.
Eric Lavigne wrote ..
> > What's this about an after party?
> I received an email today at 1:22pm with the following link, but when
> I tried to register at ~4pm it said sold out. More recently, tickets
> became available again and I have one pri
Hu ? What party ? Where ? When ?
Seth wrote ..
> What's this about an after party?
> On Oct 18, 5:59 pm, Eric Lavigne wrote:
> > > Hey Conj goers,
> >
> > > I'm scheduled to arrive around 6:30, and after I check in am planning
> > > to spend the rest of the night writing code. Anyone wan
> What's this about an after party?
I received an email today at 1:22pm with the following link, but when
I tried to register at ~4pm it said sold out. More recently, tickets
became available again and I have one printed out on my desk.
Hopefully there's one left for you, too. :-)
The reader (LispReader) and the interning functions (symbol and keyword) are
separate. The reader tries to enforce some constraints, but overlooks some
edge cases, before eventually interning. The interning functions do not
validate input.
Besides the problems you raised, there are some con
What's this about an after party?
On Oct 18, 5:59 pm, Eric Lavigne wrote:
> > Hey Conj goers,
> > I'm scheduled to arrive around 6:30, and after I check in am planning
> > to spend the rest of the night writing code. Anyone want to help
> > commandeer a random lobby to join in on the fun?
> >
There seems to be a discrepancy between what keyword names are
supposed to be allowed, according to the reader documentation, and
which the reader actually allows. For instance, periods are supposed
to be disallowed in keyword names, and only one forward slash allowed,
but no errors are thrown at
> Hey Conj goers,
> I'm scheduled to arrive around 6:30, and after I check in am planning
> to spend the rest of the night writing code. Anyone want to help
> commandeer a random lobby to join in on the fun?
> Andrew
Count me in. Sounds like a great way to kick off the conference. My
plane get
I'll be in by 7pm or so. I am down for coding and coffee, or drinks and no
coding, or what the hell, drinks and coding, but then no git commits...
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 9:32 AM, Andrew Gwozdziewycz wrote:
> Hey Conj goers,
> I'm scheduled to arrive around 6:30, and after I check in am
2010/10/18 Dmitriy S. :
> On Oct 18, 5:46 pm, Jürgen Hötzel wrote:
>> Note the difference between "=" and "==", "=" will result in a cast to
>> the wrapped types for it's arguments.
> It seems that '=' is always slower than '==',
> even if types are primitive, look:
> Clojure 1.2.0
> user=> (t
On 18 October 2010 19:06, wrote:
> The routes are the following (after several attempts with the file wrapper):
> (defroutes app-routes
> (GET "/patient" [patient-id]
> (render-page "Dossier médical") (render-page (load-patient-mr
> patient-id)))
> (GET "/req" req (str req))
> (GET "/f
> On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Sean Devlin
> wrote:
> > Okay, I just finished a Python app for work. Using SQLAlchemy was a
> > joy. Has anyone ported this yet?
Having never used SQLAlchemy, and rarely python, what are the benefits of
SQLAlchemy? My only experience with ORM was hibern
Hey Luc,
Are you deploying to Tomcat using a war file? Are you perhaps missing
the :web-content key in your project.clj file (I presume you're using
Leiningen + leiningen-war)
(defproject myproject "0.0.1"
:description ""
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.2.0"]
Several of us are car pooling down from Philly and should be arriving
some time between 6 and 8pm. I will be hoping to drop off our bags
and get dinner somewhere and otherwise be social with other
conferencegoers. Are there any recommendations for dinner the night
before? Any social eve
This is a more recent tutorial than what I had in my hands up to now
so I'll work on it tonight and look at the example app closely.
Thank you
Luc P.
Linus Ericsson wrote ..
> This tutorial covers the subject pretty well, I assume you've already read
> it.
clojure works something like reader -> macro expansion -> compiler (eval) -> run
the exception you are seeing means that your macro expansion contains
a form that the compiler doesn't know how to generate code for. for
example if your macro expansion contained a Graphics2d object the
compiler woul
This tutorial covers the subject pretty well, I assume you've already read
according to it you should use
"Next, include the necessary Ring middleware:
(:use ring.middleware.file)
(:use ring.middleware.file-info
Hello, everyone,
I'm having problems with the dot special form. First things first, I
have src-out defined this way:
Then, I have problems using that function as an argument for a macro:
Evaluation aborted throws an exception, shown i
user=> (defmulti foo type)
user=> (defmethod foo (Class/forName "[C") [_] (println "It's an array!"))
user=> (foo (make-array Character/TYPE 1))
It's an array!
Could be easier... Hope this helps.
You received this message because you are subscribed to t
Hey :)
I have a little problem defining a multimethod with an array type as
parameter. I have something like this:
(defmulti amethod (fn [& args] (vec (map class args
(defmethod amethod [[C]
([par1] (String. par1)))
I want to pass a char-array as parameter. The internal java name i
I'll be arriving between 9:30 and 10pm, and I expect to be up for some
coding or a drink, or perhaps a little of both.
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 2:12 PM, wrote:
> Count me out, pretty sure I'll need a drink by the time I arrive (21:00).
> I like so much airplane travels, livestock receives
Count me out, pretty sure I'll need a drink by the time I arrive (21:00).
I like so much airplane travels, livestock receives more attention from their
carriers than airline passengers these days. Meuh !
Luc P.
Ryan Waters wrote ..
> I probably wouldn't be able to show up until 8:00pm but I'd b
Hi everyone,
I have been banging my head on the walls for a few hours now and really cannot
figure out the proper way to serve static files in a Compojure application
deployed on Tomcat or Glassfish...
Feeling pretty dumb in fact...
I tried to configure the default servlet to catch up requests b
I probably wouldn't be able to show up until 8:00pm but I'd be
interested in getting on the 'list' for said group.
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 11:32 AM, Andrew Gwozdziewycz wrote:
> Hey Conj goers,
> I'm scheduled to arrive around 6:30, and after I check in am planning
> to spend the
I think it's very unlikely that someone will port SQLAlchemy to java.
However, there are lots of ORMs which maybe suitable for you to use
from clojure--maybe with some macros to make it a bit nicer. WikiPedia
has a great list of these:
Hey Conj goers,
I'm scheduled to arrive around 6:30, and after I check in am planning
to spend the rest of the night writing code. Anyone want to help
commandeer a random lobby to join in on the fun?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the
Thanks just what needed to know
On Oct 15, 11:13 pm, Randy Hudson wrote:
> Nested classes require the syntax AClass$NestedClass -- this being the
> "real name" of the class in the JVM.
> Static members of classes are referenced as AClass/member --
> essentially treating the class as a namespace o
Okay, I just finished a Python app for work. Using SQLAlchemy was a
joy. Has anyone ported this yet?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Clojure" group.
To post to this group, send email to
Note that posts from new members are m
On Oct 18, 5:46 pm, Jürgen Hötzel wrote:
> Note the difference between "=" and "==", "=" will result in a cast to
> the wrapped types for it's arguments.
It seems that '=' is always slower than '==',
even if types are primitive, look:
Clojure 1.2.0
user=> (time (let [a (int 3) b (int 5)] (dotime
On Oct 18, 5:46 pm, Jürgen Hötzel wrote:
> Note the difference between "=" and "==", "=" will result in a cast to
> the wrapped types for it's arguments.
It seems that '=' is always slower than '==',
even if types are primitive, look:
Clojure 1.2.0
user=> (time (let [a (int 3) b (int 5)] (dotime
P = Property. Guess it could have been lower case p.
On Oct 15, 11:19 pm, Michael Ossareh wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 09:32, oak wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > This is how i see the package in package explorer.
> > IEssbase.class
> > (I) IEssbase
> > (C, s f) Home
> > (M, s) cre
2010/10/18 Dmitriy S. :
> On Oct 18, 3:07 pm, Jürgen Hötzel wrote:
>> > (defn sum [arr]
>> > (loop [i (int 0) s (int 0)]
>> > (if (= i *N*) s
>> ^^^
>> You still doing non-primitive ops here.
> Indeed, I overlooked that.
> But this was not the main cause of the trouble.
>> Al
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 08:58:48 -0400 (EDT) wrote:
> Choose functions over macros when you can write an equivalent function.
>From the LISP community, I'd put it slightly stronger: Only use macros
when you have to. But you get the same set of reasons (with
On Oct 18, 5:15 pm, ""
> You can try == for numbers
17 msec (== ~idx (alength a#))
293 msec (= ~idx (alength a#))
Yes, it's the case.
I should have checked the API doc for the =/== difference.
Thank you very much.
Best regards,
You received this mes
You can try == for numbers
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Clojure" group.
To post to this group, send email to
Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your
first post.
To unsubscribe from this
On Oct 18, 4:44 pm, ""
> I happened to stumble on something like that in 1.2, with
> = slower than >=, which is in turn slower than zero?.
> (Even when everything is a primitive)
> I never really understood why and would be happy to understand it better.
> Dimitry, h
Choose functions over macros when you can write an equivalent function.
I use macros when:
a) I have a repetitive pattern in the code that cannot be easily turned
into a function (too much context to pass as args to a function).
You can then hide a binding form in the macro to refer to the
I happened to stumble on something like that in 1.2, with
= slower than >=, which is in turn slower than zero?.
(Even when everything is a primitive)
I never really understood why and would be happy to understand it better.
Dimitry, have you tryed to replace (= x y) by (zero? (- x u)), or with
On Oct 18, 3:07 pm, Jürgen Hötzel wrote:
> > (defn sum [arr]
> > (loop [i (int 0) s (int 0)]
> >(if (= i *N*) s
> ^^^
> You still doing non-primitive ops here.
Indeed, I overlooked that.
But this was not the main cause of the trouble.
> Also Check for areduce:
> (defn sum [^in
Hi community,
I'm using clojure for having a dynamic programming environment in
terms of a client-server process. This is needed for a highly flexible
communication system. The clojure system defines the server, a
programming environment like emacs provides the client. The
communication in between
(defn sum [^ints arr]
(areduce arr i ret (int 0)
(unchecked-add-int ret (aget arr i
2010/10/18 Dmitriy S. :
> (defn sum [arr]
> (loop [i (int 0) s (int 0)]
> (if (= i *N*) s
You still doing non-primitive ops here. Also Check for areduce:
(defn sum [^ints
Hi All,
I stuck with performance problem using Clojure.
It seems that when all the optimisation hints are used,
Clojure data processing is still much slower than Java.
In my simple test I sum up 16M of random integers 0 < n < 10.
The code is as follows (see below Java and C code, and the test
I'm new to Clojure and just getting my head around macros. As an
exercise I was trying different ways to wrap making a proxy for
java.util.Comparator and came up with two alternatives. I'm really not
sure how to judge what would favour one solution over the other, and
I'm curious if one style is pr
There is a difference between having limitations and not being
The movement of cars through a road intersection is a metaphor for
processes that simultaneously want to change a resource. The traffic
signal is there to hinder these cars to crash, i.e. to make changes in
an uncontrolled
Beautiful .
On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 1:08 AM, Stuart Campbell wrote:
> Thanks Kyle. Looks useful!
> On 15 October 2010 09:25, Saul Hazledine wrote:
>> On Oct 14, 9:16 pm, "Kyle R. Burton" wrote:
>> > I've written some sql helper functions that will do things like list
>> > the obje
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