Enhancing :libs support was pretty finicky work so I'm not particularly
surprised by the regression. Looking into it. In the meantime you don't
need specify each library, `:libs ["lib"]` should suffice.
On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 1:10 AM, Ruslan Prokopchuk
> With 3269 I have the follo
With 3269 I have the following error:
/home/ul/Projects/project1/lib/transformflatgeom.js is not a relative path
at clojure.java.io$as_relative_path.invoke (io.clj:405)
config is:
:compiler {
:output-to "resources/public/js/dev.js"
:output-dir "
> If you have a public project on Github that is using transducers, would
> you please point me to it? I would like to see what you did.
Fipp's Clojure 1.7 tuned-up engine uses transducers to emulate
mapcat(-with-state), while minimizing intermediate object allocations.
Reducers was used
Just cut a 0.6.1 release with a few small fixes on the Clojure side and now
moderately-less experimental ClojureScript support.
I know that, as of the this past week, you now have ∞×2 more options for
ClojureScript pretty printing. Coincidence? or "Thank you .cljc"? You
decide. Anyway, while cl
Thank you, Alex. I understand and agree with the importance of publishing
to Maven Central but my question is why can't we publish *also* to Clojars?
Forget software. Strive to make an impact, deliver a valuable change.
(Vær så snill og hjelp meg med å forbedre norsken min – skriftlig og
As usual, the answer is a combination of technical goals intertwined with
history. Stuart Sierra is probably the one with the most knowledge of the
history - it predates my involvement with Clojure in a deep way. Best link
I see is: http://dev.clojure.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=950842. In
0.0-3269 fixed it for me, thanks guys!
On Sunday, May 10, 2015 at 7:20:13 AM UTC-7, David Nolen wrote:
> Just cut 0.0-3269 which adds the missing analysis and source map bits back
> into the artifacts. It also cleans up :libs support and fixes a related
> regression with Closure compatible lib
One is better off thinking that avoidance, as per your note, is a
*discipline* of *better practices. *As the architectural concepts of
Separation of Concerns and Minimized Surface Areas were intended.
Many languages attempt to enforce this notion in something called
encapsulation. Howeve
xempty is a transducer that just returns an empty result, essentially ignoring
the input. The thought was that a degenerate transducer might be useful in a
complex chain if you want to stop processing. I haven’t actually used it for
anything, just experimenting.
> On May 10, 2015, at 3:12 PM,
*clasew *- Clojure AppleScriptEngine Wrapper
*Intent* - clasew provides an idiomatic Clojure wrapper for Java
ScriptManager: specifically apple.AppleScriptManager, as well as providing
scriptable applications HOF DSLs.
Realizing that the audience for such capa
Some people don't like the native approach to private vars since anyone who
wants to override it can do so anyway, so they go with a purely
conventional and unenforced approach: delineate the boundaries of API vs
internal using :internal or :impl and/or put the internal bits in an impl
ClojureScript now requires Clojure 1.7.0-beta2
On Sunday, May 10, 2015, Dmitri wrote:
> Is there possibly anything else missing in the package, figwheel doesn't
> appear to find the repl ns.
> lein figwheel
> Retrieving org/clojure/clojurescript/0.0-3269/clojurescript-0.0-3269.pom
> from centr
Is there possibly anything else missing in the package, figwheel doesn't
appear to find the repl ns.
lein figwheel
Retrieving org/clojure/clojurescript/0.0-3269/clojurescript-0.0-3269.pom
from central
Retrieving org/clojure/clojurescript/0.0-3269/clojurescript-0.0-3269.jar
from central
(A bit offtopic) Leiningen fetches libraries from Clojars and Maven, so I
guess this problem is not visible to the big part of the community.
On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 1:43 PM, Jakub Holy wrote:
> This is essentially a question to Cognitect / developers of the clojure/*
> libraries but I do not k
I am pretty sure that there is nothing in the Clojure compiler that pays
attention to the key :internal in metadata.
People can put whatever metadata they want anywhere they wish, even if the
Clojure compiler ignores it. This looks like some metadata specific to
pallet, but not sure whether it us
That is interesting. What is xempty for?
On Friday, May 8, 2015 at 4:09:53 PM UTC-4, miner wrote:
> I wouldn’t make any claims about “best practices” but I’ve been playing
> with transducers in my little project:
> https://github.com/miner/transmuters
> I have a blog post about how to
Sadly, Google seems to think I am search for "internal" when I search for
"^:internal" so that makes it hard to find the documentation. I am curious
about this code:
;;; Capture the standard def forms' arglists
(def ^:internal defn-arglists (vec (:arglists (meta #'defn
(def ^:internal fn-arg
> An other thing when I have used with agents is implement an async
interface for jdbc
> like applications. I have a little explication on how it is done
> here: http://funcool.github.io/suricatta/latest/#_async_interface
That is an impressive bit of documentation. Thank you.
On Satur
I find it's really the same as in any other language. Certainly if you
don't have any clearly-defined boundaries at all, you'll get a big ball of
Encapsulation is about code organization and self-discipline. Define module
responsibilities and boundaries in your developer documentation. Mak
Just cut 0.0-3269 which adds the missing analysis and source map bits back
into the artifacts. It also cleans up :libs support and fixes a related
regression with Closure compatible libraries that follow classpath
conventions (like transit-js). Both :libs Closure libraries and classpath
aware Closu
It appears there are still some important bits missing from the artifacts.
Working through the issues and will cut a release soon.
On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 12:22 AM, Rangel Spasov wrote:
> Hey guys,
> 0.0-3264 fails for me with:
> clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: failed compiling
> file:res
This is essentially a question to Cognitect / developers of the clojure/*
libraries but I do not know of a better communication channel than this one.
To me, clojars is the one place to go to find out what libraries are there
and especially what is the latest version. It always surprises me that
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